The following are the default ports that are used in Stratos when the port offset is 0. When creating a cartridge base image on a preferred IaaS, ensure to enable the following ports when creating a security group:


Port Description

Suggestions for Access Restrictions

Common Ports




SSH port. Clients will use this port to ssh into the EC2 instance

Open to outside access

Cartridge Security Group




Apache http port. Cartridge instances would use this port to expose applications (http)

Restricted internal access


Apache https port. Cartridge instances would use this port to expose applications (https)

Restricted internal access


MySQL port. MySQL Cartridge instances would use this port to expose MySQL service

Restricted internal access


Default https. Default https port of a Stratos server

Restricted internal access


Default http. Default http port of a Stratos server

Restricted internal access

Apache Stratos Security Group




Stratos Load Balancer (LB) http proxy port. One of two http ports of Stratos LB and clients would access service cluster nodes via this port

Open to outside access


Stratos LB https proxy port. One of two https ports of LB and clients would access service cluster nodes via this port

Open to outside access

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