
CLI command
DescriptionObtain information on the available commands in Apache Stratos CLI tool.

Sample Output

 usage: stratos [-debug] [-h] [-p <password>] [-trace] [-u <username>]
 -debug                     Enable debug logging
 -h,--help                  Display this help
 -p,--password <password>   Password
 -trace                     Enable trace logging
 -u,--username <username>   Username

Available Commands: 
activate-tenant                     Activate tenant
add-application                     Add application sign up
add-autoscaling-policy              Add autoscaling policy deployment
add-cartridge                       Add cartridge deployment
add-cartridge-group                 Add cartridge group
add-deployment-policy               Add deployment policy deployment
add-domain-mappings                 Add domain mappings
add-kubernetes-cluster              Add kubernetes cluster
add-kubernetes-host                 Add kubernetes host
add-network-partition               Add network partition deployment
add-tenant                          Add new tenant
add-user                            Add new user
create-application                  Create an application using cartridge groups/cartridges.
deactivate-tenant                   Deactivate tenant
deploy-application                  deploy application
describe-application                Describe application
describe-application-runtime        Describe application runtime
describe-application-signup         Describe application sign up
describe-autoscaling-policy         Describing the autoscaling policy
describe-cartridge                  Describing the cartridge
describe-cartridge-group            Describe cartridge groups
describe-deployment-policy          Describing the deployment Policy
describe-kubernetes-cluster         Describing a kubernetes cluster
describe-kubernetes-master          Describing the Kubernetes master
describe-network-partition          Describing the network partition
describe-tenant                     Describing the tenant
exit                                Exit from stratos client tool
help                                Help for commands
list-applications                   List available applications
list-autoscaling-policies           List available autoscaling policies
list-cartridge-groups               List available cartridge groups
list-cartridges                     List available cartridges
list-cartridges-by-filter           List cartridges by a filter
list-deployment-policies            List available deployment policies
list-domain-mappings                List domain mappings
list-kubernetes-clusters            List kubernetes clusters
list-kubernetes-hosts               List kubernetes hosts
list-network-partitions             List available network partitions
list-tenants                        List available tenants
list-tenants-by-partial-domain      List cartridges by partial domain search
list-users                          List available users
remove-application                  Remove Application
remove-application-signup           Remove Application Signup
remove-autoscaling-policy           Remove Auto-Scaling policy
remove-cartridge                    Remove cartridge definition
remove-cartridge-group              Remove cartridge group
remove-deployment-policy            Remove Deployment policy
remove-domain-mappings              Remove domain mappings
remove-kubernetes-cluster           Remove kubernetes cluster
remove-kubernetes-host              Remove kubernetes host
remove-network-partition            Remove network partition definition
remove-user                         Remove User
synchronize-artifacts               Synchronize artifacts with Git repository for cartridge subscriptions
undeploy-application                Undeploy application
update-autoscaling-policy           Update autoscaling policy
update-cartridge                    Update cartridge deployment
update-deployment-policy            Update deployment policy
update-kubernetes-host              Update kubernetes host
update-kubernetes-master            Update kubernetes master
update-network-partition            Update network partition deployment
update-tenant                       Update an existing tenant
update-user                         Update an existing user

For help on a specific command type:
help [command]

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