Based on the changing requirements, there may be scenarios where you will have to make changes to your current deployment, i.e., to make an application available in another partition, enable cloud bursting, etc. In such situations, you need to change the current deployment patterns, by updating the relative artifacts in runtime. Always follow the logical sequence when updating artifacts to avoid facing errors. The following sub-sections discuss the sequence in which you need to update the artifacts.

Updating a Kubernetes Cluster

A Kubernetes cluster can be updated in run-time by adding hosts to the Kubernetes cluster. For more information on how new hosts can be added to an existing Kubernetes cluster via REST API or CLI, see Adding a Host to a Kubernetes-CoreOS Cluster.

Updating a network partition

You can carryout any of the following actions to update a network partition in run-time:

Add a new partition to an existing network partition

Follow the instructions below to add a new partition in an existing network partition in run-time: 

  1. Identify the network partition that corresponds to the deployed application, and define a new partition in the existing network partition definition JSON.

    For more information on the properties that need to be defined in a partition, see the Network Partition Resource Definition.

  2. Update the identified network partition in Stratos. 

    For more information on how to update a network partition via the REST API, CLI or the UI, see Updating a Network Partition

  3. Optionally, if you wish to use the new partition in the existing deployment policy, carryout the following steps:

    1. Identify the deployment policy that corresponds to the deployed application, and add the newly defined partition to the existing deployment policy definition JSON.

      For more information on how to define the partition in the deployment policy, see the Deployment Policy Resource Definition.

    2. Update the identified deployment policy in Stratos.

      For more information on how to update a deployment policy via the REST API, CLI or the UI, see Updating a Deployment Policy.

Update values in an existing network partition

Follow the instructions below to update the values in an existing network partition in run-time:

  1. Identify the network partition that corresponds to the deployed application, and update the values in the existing network partition definition JSON.

    For more information on the properties that are updatable, see Network Partition Resource Definition.

  2. Update the identified network partition in Stratos.

    For more information on how to update a network partition via the REST API, CLI or the UI, see  Updating a Network Partition .

Remove a partition from a network partition

Follow the instructions below to remove a partition from an existing network partition in run-time:

  1. Identify the deployment policy that corresponds to the deployed application, and remove the partition from the deployment policy JSON definition.

    For more information, see Deployment Policy Resource Definition.  

  2. Update the identified deployment policy in Stratos.

    For more information on how to update a deployment policy via the REST API, CLI or the UI, see Updating a Deployment Policy.

  3. Identify the network partition that corresponds to the deployed application, and remove the partition from the network partition JSON definition.

    For more information on the properties that are updatable, see Network Partition Resource Definition.

  4. Update the identified network partition in Stratos. 

    For more information on how to update a network partition via the REST API, CLI or the UI, see Updating a Network Partition

Updating a deployment policy

When a deployment policy is updated in run-time, Stratos applies these changes to all the applications that are using the deployment policy. You can carryout any of the following actions to update a deployment policy in run-time:

Add a new partition to an existing deployment policy

Follow the instructions below to add a new partition to an existing deployment policy in run-time:

  1. Optionally, identify the network partition that corresponds to the deployed application, and define a new partition in the existing network partition definition JSON. If you wish to use an unused partition, which already exists in the network partition, skip step 1 and 2.

    For more information on the properties that need to be defined in a partition, see the Network Partition Resource Definition.

  2. Update the identified network partition in Stratos. 

    For more information on how to update a network partition via the REST API, CLI or the UI, see Updating a Network Partition

  3. Identify the deployment policy that corresponds to the deployed application, and add the new partition to the existing deployment policy definition JSON.

    For more information on how to define the partition in the deployment policy, see the Deployment Policy Resource Definition.

  4. Update the identified deployment policy in Stratos.

    For more information on how to update a deployment policy via the REST API, CLI or the UI, see Updating a Deployment Policy.

Remove a partition from an existing deployment policy

Follow the instructions below to remove a partition from an existing deployment policy in run-time:

  1. Identify the deployment policy that corresponds to the deployed application, and remove the partition from the deployment policy JSON definition.

    For more information, see Deployment Policy Resource Definition.  

  2. Update the identified deployment policy in Stratos.

    For more information on how to update a deployment policy via the REST API, CLI or the UI, see Updating a Deployment Policy.

  3. Identify the network partition that corresponds to the deployed application, and remove the partition from the network partition JSON definition.  

    For more information on the properties that are updatable, see Network Partition Resource Definition.

  4. Update the identified network partition in Stratos. 

    For more information on how to update a network partition via the REST API, CLI or the UI, see Updating a Network Partition
Update the values in an existing deployment policy

Follow the instructions below to update the values in an existing deployment policy in run-time:

  1. Identify the deployment policy that corresponds to the deployed application, and update the values in the existing deployment policy definition JSON.

    For more information on the properties that are updatable, see Deployment Policy Resource Definition.

  2. Update the identified deployment policy in Stratos.

    For more information on how to update a deployment policy via the REST API, CLI or the UI, see Updating a Deployment Policy.

Updating an auto-scaling policy

When a auto-scaling policy is updated in run-time, Stratos applies these changes to all the applications that are using the auto-scaling policy. Only specific properties in an auto-scaling policy definition can be updated. For more information on what properties can be updated, see the Auto-scaling Policy Resource Definition, and see Updating an Auto-scaling Policy to learn how to update an auto-scaling policy via the REST API, CLI or the UI.

Updating a cartridge

When a cartridge is updated in run-time, Stratos will not apply the changes to the currently deployed applications. However, Stratos will apply these changes to all the applications that are deployed after these changes. Only specific properties in a cartridge definition can be updated. For more information on what properties can be updated, see the Cartridge Resource Definition, and see Updating a Cartridge to learn how to update a cartridge via the REST API, CLI or the UI.

Updating a cartridge group

Stratos does not allow cartridge groups to be updated.

Updating an application

Only specific properties in an application definition can be updated as stated below. For more information on what properties can be updated, see the Application Resource Definition, and see Updating an Application to learn how to update an application via the REST API, CLI or the UI.

  •  Application can be updated only when the Application is in DEPLOYED mode
  •  cartridgeMin/cartridgeMax and/or groupMinInstances/groupMaxInstances only can be updated in the application. 
  •  In order to change groupMinInstances/groupMaxInstances, groupMaxInstances should be greater than one in the initial application.
  •  Application id/alias should not be changed.
  • No labels