Version warning
The content below is for Apache Syncope 1.2 - for later versions the Getting Started guide is available.
Starting from Apache Syncope 1.2.0 an installer package is available, its purpose is to download, configure and deploy a Syncope instance in one of the supported servers.
Apache Maven (version 3.0.3 or higher) installed
Configure data source in your application server
Supported container up and running
Supported DBMS up and running
Just double-click the downloaded JAR file or execute via CLI:
$ java -jar syncope-installer-*-uber.jar
Installation step by step
- Installation path: is directory where Syncope overlay will be created
- Maven home directory: is the Maven home directory;
- Group ID: something like 'com.mycompany' - maven overlay property;
- Artifact ID: something like 'myproject' - maven overlay property;
- Secret Key: Provide any pseudo-random, 16 character length, string here that will be used in the generated project for AES ciphering;
- Anonimous Key: - Provide any pseudo-random, 16 character length, string here that will be used in the generated project for AES ciphering;
- Configuration directory: where Syncope configuration files are stored;
- Log directory: where Syncope logs are stored;
- Bundle directory: where ConnId bundles are stored;
- Syncope version: the project version that would be to install.
- DBMS where Syncope will be installed
Depends on DBMS selected (in the example: PostgreSQL)
- Database JDBS url
- Database user
- Database password
- Container where Syncope will be deployed
Depends on container selected (in the example: Tomcat) - Remember to configure right DataSource on it and to configure Tomcat user like:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <tomcat-users> <role rolename="manager-gui"/> <role rolename="manager-script"/> <role rolename="manager-jmx"/> <role rolename="manager-status"/> <user username="manager" password="s3cret" roles="manager-script"/> </tomcat-users>
Some feedbacks