Version Warning

The content below is for Apache Syncope <= 1.2 - for later versions the Getting Started guide is available.


Once you have created your project, you already have a set of tools for evaluating Syncope in a quite rich scenario, without the need of setting up additional components like JEE container, database, LDAP server and so on.


From the top-level directory of your project, execute:

mvn clean package

then, from the console subdirectory execute:

mvn -P embedded


Log files are available under


Components available

Syncope core

Syncope core is the main web application, exposing a set of RESTful services.

Syncope console

Syncope console is the administration interface for dealing with Syncope core.

Syncope internal storage

Syncope core's persistence is based on JPA: this allows deployment on a wide range of DBMS; when running in embedded mode, H2 (in-memory) is used for internal storage.

A SQL web interface is available at http://localhost:9080/syncope/db.jsp:

  1. Choose configuration 'Generic H2 (Embedded)'
  2. Insert


    as JDBC URL

  3. Click 'Connect' button

External database resource

(Do you want to understand what an external resource is? Check Connectors and resources).

An H2 TCP database is available for propagation.

A SQL web interface is available at http://localhost:9082/:

  1. Choose configuration 'Generic H2 (Server)'
  2. Insert


    as JDBC URL

  3. Set 'sa' as password
  4. Click 'Connect' button

External LDAP resource

(Do you want to understand what an external resource is? Check Connectors and resources).

An Apache DS instance is available for propagation.

You can configure any LDAP client (as JXplorer, for example) with the following information:

  1. host: localhost
  2. port: 1389
  3. base DN:

  4. bind DN:

  5. bind password: 'secret'

External SOAP resource

(Do you want to understand what an external resource is? Check Connectors and resources).

An example SOAP server is available at http://localhost:9080/wssample/services.

You can check its internal storage by visiting http://localhost:9080/wssample/exploredb.jsp.


  1. Suggestion:

    Post where to find the logs on an embedded system. (core/target/log/). This took me a while to find.

    1. Content updated as per your suggestion, thanks!

  2. Hi Scott,
    thanks for your report.

    I have just restored the page permissions and now you should be able to comment; please get involved at if you are interested in contributing to the project.

    About your specific notes: I confirm that changing the internal storage as reported in 1 still works fine, so no changes are required.
    About the external database, I've encountered the same error as reported by you above and updated the page with the actual fix - your proposed change points to a new, empty database, not the external test database.

