Type Coercion is the conversion of one type of object to a another object of a different type with similar content. Tapestry frequently must coerce objects from one type to another. A common example is the coercion of string "5" into an integer 5 or a double 5.0.
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Although type coercions happen more inside tapestry-core (including coercions of component parameters ), they may also occur inside tapestry-ioc, such as when injecting a value, rather than a service, into a builder method.
Like everything else in Tapestry, type coercions are extensible. At the root is the TypeCoercer service. Its configuration consists of CoercionTuples until 5.6.x and a mapped configuration of (CoercionTuple.Key, CoercionTuple) from Tapestry 5.7.0 on. Each tuple defines how to coerce from one type to another. The initial set of coercions is focused primarily on coercions between different numeric types:
Default Type Coercions
There are a few special coercions related to null
there; Object
--> List
wraps a lone object as a singleton list, we then need null
--> List
to ensure that null
stays null
(rather than a singleton list whose lone element is a null
Type Coercion Interpolation
Tapestry will try to interpolate necessary coercions. For example, say it is necessary to coerce a StringBuffer
to an Integer
; the TypeCoercer service will chain together a series of coercions:
Because Object --> String
is always available, this might lead to an unexpected interpolation between incompatible types due to multiple intermediate coercions. This can be easily prevented by providing an explicit CoercionTuple between the desired types.
Coercing from null
Coercing from null
is special; it is not a spanning search as with the other types. Either there is a specific coercion from null
to the desired type, or no coercion takes places (and the coerced value is null
The only built-in null
coercion is from null
to boolean
(which is always false).
List of Coercions
As of Tapestry version 5.7, the following coercions are available:
// Since Tapestry 5.1/5.2 Double --> Float Float --> Double Long --> Boolean Long --> Byte Long --> Double Long --> Integer Long --> Short Number --> Long Object --> Object[] Object --> String Object --> java.util.List Object[] --> java.util.List String --> Boolean String --> Double String --> Long String --> java.io.File String --> java.math.BigDecimal String --> java.math.BigInteger String --> java.text.DateFormat String --> java.util.regex.Pattern String --> org.apache.tapestry5.Renderable String --> org.apache.tapestry5.SelectModel String --> org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.ClientValidation String --> org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.LoopFormState String --> org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.SubmitMode String --> org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.data.BlankOption String --> org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.data.GridPagerPosition String --> org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.data.InsertPosition String --> org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.Resource String --> org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.TimeInterval boolean[] --> java.util.List byte[] --> java.util.List char[] --> java.util.List double[] --> java.util.List float[] --> java.util.List int[] --> java.util.List java.math.BigDecimal --> Double java.util.Collection --> Boolean java.util.Collection --> Object[] java.util.Collection --> org.apache.tapestry5.grid.GridDataSource java.util.Date --> java.util.Calendar java.util.List --> org.apache.tapestry5.SelectModel java.util.Map --> org.apache.tapestry5.SelectModel long[] --> java.util.List null --> Boolean null --> org.apache.tapestry5.grid.GridDataSource org.apache.tapestry5.ComponentResources --> org.apache.tapestry5.PropertyOverrides org.apache.tapestry5.PrimaryKeyEncoder --> org.apache.tapestry5.ValueEncoder org.apache.tapestry5.Renderable --> org.apache.tapestry5.Block org.apache.tapestry5.Renderable --> org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.RenderCommand org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.TimeInterval --> Long org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.ComponentResourcesAware --> org.apache.tapestry5.ComponentResources short[] --> java.util.List // Since Tapestry 5.6.2 java.time.Year --> Integer Integer --> java.time.Year java.time.Month --> Integer Integer --> java.time.Month String --> java.time.Month java.time.YearMonth --> java.time.Year java.time.YearMonth --> java.time.Month String --> java.time.YearMonth java.time.MonthDay --> java.time.Month String --> java.time.MonthDay java.time.DayOfWeek --> Integer Integer --> java.time.DayOfWeek String --> java.time.DayOfWeek java.time.LocalDate --> java.time.Instant java.time.Instant --> java.time.LocalDate String --> java.time.LocalDate java.time.LocalDate --> java.time.YearMonth java.time.LocalDate --> java.time.MonthDay java.time.LocalTime --> Long Long --> java.time.LocalTime String --> java.time.LocalTime java.time.LocalDateTime --> java.time.Instant java.time.Instant --> java.time.LocalDateTime String --> java.time.LocalDateTime java.time.LocalDateTime --> jva.time.LocalDate java.time.OffsetDateTime --> java.time.Instant java.time.OffsetDateTime --> java.time.OffsetTime String --> java.time.OffsetDateTime String --> java.time.ZoneId java.time.ZonedDateTime --> java.time.Instant java.time.ZonedDateTime --> java.time.ZoneId String --> java.time.ZonedDateTime java.time.Instant --> Long Long --> java.time.Instant java.time.Instant --> java.util.Date.class java.util.Date --> java.time.Instant java.time.Duration --> Long Long --> java.time.Duration String --> java.time.Period
Contributing New Coercions
TypeCoercer is extensible; you may add new coercions as desired. For example, let's say you have a Money
type that represents an amount of some currency, and you want to be able to convert from BigDecimal
to Money
. Further, let's assume that Money
has a constructor that accepts a BigDecimal
as its parameter. We'll use a little Tapestry IOC configuration jujitsu to inform the TypeCoercer about this coercion.
public static void contributeTypeCoercer(MappedConfiguration<CoercionTuple.Key, CoercionTuple> configuration) { Coercion<BigDecimal, Money> coercion = new Coercion<BigDecimal, Money>() { public Money coerce(BigDecimal input) { return new Money(input); } }; CoercionTuple tuple = new CoercionTuple<BigDecimal, Money>(BigDecimal.class, Money.class, coercion); configuration.add(tuple.getKey(), tuple)); }
public static void contributeTypeCoercer(Configuration<CoercionTuple> configuration) { Coercion<BigDecimal, Money> coercion = new Coercion<BigDecimal, Money>() { public Money coerce(BigDecimal input) { return new Money(input); } }; configuration.add(new CoercionTuple<BigDecimal, Money>(BigDecimal.class, Money.class, coercion)); }
Further, since TypeCoercer knows how to convert Double
to BigDecimal
, or even Integer
(to Long
to Double
) to BigDecimal
, all of those coercions would work as well.
When creating a coercion from null
, use Void.class
as the source type. For example, the built-in coercion from null
to Boolean
is implemented as:
CoercionTuple tuple = new CoercionTuple(void.class, Boolean.class, new Coercion<Void, Boolean>() { public Boolean coerce(Void input) { return false; } }));
java.time (JSR310) Type Coercers
With Java 8, the Java Time API (JSR310) got added to the JDK, providing a new, more straightforward way of dealing with date and time. The multitude of different types created a need for additional TypeCoercers. But due to the way the Java Time API was implemented, you must be aware of some edge cases and intricacies.
Milliseconds Precision
Even though the Java Time API partially supports nanosecond precision, it's not guaranteed. Actually, the OS / the JVM implementation is responsible for providing the current time with java.time.Clock
. Most of the new types even don't have convenience-methods for a nanosecond-based representation.
All date(time)-based types use java.time.Instant
for coercion, which itself is coerced with milliseconds precision. This provides compatibility with java.util.Date#getTime()
, which is also milliseconds-based.
Nanoseconds Precision
The 2 types not using milliseconds are not subclasses of or convertible to java.time.Instant
: Uses nanoseconds internally, and no convenience method for milliseconds exists.java.time.Duration
: Uses nanoseconds and seconds internally. Even though a convenience method for milliseconds exists, the type isn't dependent on the OS/JVM precision. So the highest possible precision is used.
The Java Time API supports timezone-less types, e.g. java.time.LocalDate
, java.time.LocalDateTime
However, coercing these types into a `java.time.Instant` requires a timezone, because java.time.Instant
uses the unix timestamp 0 as reference.
To still use automatic type coercion, the Local types will be seen as being in ZoneId.systemDefault()
Additionally, java.time.LocalDate
we use the local time of 00:00 for it's coercion to java.time.Instant
Invalid Coercion Paths
Due to the powerful feature of finding compatible TypeCoercer paths to convert types with no explicit TypeCoercer, some additional TypeCoercers were added to ensure the correct conversion between types.
You should only try to coerce between the provided types and java.time.Instant
as intermediate. Any other coercion path will require you to contribute a matching TypeCoercer yourself.