Here is a list of extra components not included in the base or contrib libraries (yet).
Tapestry 5
Tapestry 4
- alternative date component using three text fields. Found in tapestry-user archive
- decoupled date picker - there are two versions of this component.
- The older component known as DecoupledDatePicker uses the base calendar script. It is found in tapestry-user archive
- A newer version known as the DateTimePicker uses a text based calendar script (Look and feel is totally different). It is part of the component library available at
- Calendar, valid DatePicker and valid TextArea components.
- There's a bunch over at the tapestry deli (
- A repository of nearly 30 components and other tapestry-related code is also available at a site called Tassel.
- More components, that I found by searching are: TapFX, Tapestry-Bayeux
- Krysalis Menu - drop down menu component. Available at Krysalis Also available from Tassel.
- Tacos Library. Tacos provides high quality components for Tapestry, such as a Tree/DatePicker/ProgressBar/Autocomplete fields/etc.. It also provides a substantial amount of support for using ajax logic with tapestry and is quickly growing each day.
- Captcha
Tapestry 3
- Tapestry Palette plugin for Eclipse. A tool to enable drag & drop Tapestry component editing in the Eclipse IDE.