How to get started
In order to quickly get up to speed on Tapestry 5, there are numerous information sources besides this Wiki available:
- The Tapestry Tutorial
- Tapestry for Nonbelievers
- Getting Started (using the Maven Archetype)
- Tapestry site and Component reference
- Search the mailing list with Google by including Google entry: "YOUR KEYWORDS T5"
- Tapestry 5 Training - Tapestry 5 overview with practical work
- Tapestry 5 Blogs - A list of blogs dealing with Tapestry 5
- Open Source Apps - List of Tapestry 5 open source applications
Preparing your development environment
- Useful configurations for development - Tapestry 5 configurations that will make your development easier
- Using Eclipse and Jetty
- Using Eclipse and Jetty with Jetty Runner
- Using IDEA and Jetty
- Running via a main class in any IDE
- Eclipse code templates
- !IntelliJ IDEA live templates
- Create a skeleton Tapestry 5 project and run it (Eclipse, Maven, m2eclipse)
- Eclipse template editing - Customize Eclipse for Tapestry .tml template editing
- Eclipse Code Completion - Using Eclipse JSP editor and custom tld file for code completion
- Components Reference
- Jumpstart - Components configuration examples
- Check Out the Source Code - Examples and Demos of many components in the source code, like the Palette, Grid, BeanEditForm, etc.
- Creating Your Own Components - Creating your own components is really simple, and fun to do as well. (This example implements a drag-and-drop-folder tree component)
- Creating Your Own Component Library - Steps to create a reusable library (JAR) of T5 components.
- Outputting Locale-formatted Numbers - Creating a new component for formatting (numbers) according to locale, using literals (integer, decimal or currency). It's based on Output component.
- Creating a Tab Panel - Explains how to create a tab panel.
- Submit with Context - A Submit component that passes a context
- Submit with Context and Navigation - A Submit component that passes a context and allows event handler to return navigational object.
- "Any" Component - A deprecated but still useful component that does ... nothing (by default)
- Image Component - Another deprecated component that's useful for making "previewable" templates
- Tapestry 5 Components - By Shing Hing Man
- Tapestry 5 components at Google Code - Several projects with Tapestry 5 components – share your components here.
- Tree Component - A tree component based on's drag 'n drop folder tree
- Enhanced Palette Component - Based heavily on the existing core palette and uses Matt Kruse's Option Transfer JavaScript (Works in IE!)
- Palette Events - How to invoke a JavaScript function when the selected items are added/removed/reordered in a Palette
- Grid Component Tricks - Some tricks using the Grid component
- Tapestry 5 and JavaScript Explained - A detailed look at how Tapestry 5 integrates JavaScript into your application. In this article we create a mixin for adding a JavaScript confirmation box to link components, explaining each step.
- Advanced Layout Component - A sophisticated Layout component
- Simple And Powerful Layouts - Creates flexible layouts, using a simple reusable component.
- Layout with Menu - Layout with added menu bar
- Enum as Component Parameter - Defining a new enum as a component parameter, and adding the string -> enum type coercion for it
- Captcha
Code snippets
- How to Format Date/Time, etc - How to format Date, Time, timestamps, Decimals, Numbers, Currencies
- Localized Date Field - How to create a localized DateField for BeanModel.
- Outputting Raw Html - How to output raw, unfiltered HTML
- Linking To Non Tapestry URIs - How to link to non-Tapestry URIs (useful for Acegi integration)
- Obtaining the HttpServletRequest - How to obtain the HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse and HttpSession if you really need them
- Creating A Property Edit Block - Explains how to create a property editor and contribute it to the BeanEditForm.
- How to Use Forms - Examples of how forms are connected to methods in your code.
- Exception Page - Displaying your own exception page.
- Redirect Exception - Redirect to another URL from anywhere inside a page or component.
- Using Tapestry For Custom Error Pages - How to serve a custom 404 page, or other error, using Tapestry
- Changing Locale - Change the locale of the user.
- Including JavaScript - Explains how to add your own custom JavaScript functions.
- Integrating jQuery - Include jQuery and it's plugins to spice up your pages!
- Making a Basic Crud App show you how easy is the conception of a CRUD cycle with Tapestry 5
- Running Tasks in a Separate Thread - run a task (Runnable) in a separate thread
- Running Tasks in a WorkQueue - run multiple task through a WorkQueue with one or more threads
- Using a Persistent Field Strategy - How to create a PersistentFieldStrategy for the Persist annotation.
- Adding Validators - How to add your own validators to tapestry
- Outputting XHTML - How to override the default markup model to always use XHTML compliant tags
- Reading Symbols From a Property File - How to have symbols coming from a property file and how to use them in your pages/components
- Getting the Webapp Path - How to get the real path of the webapp directory.
- Reading a File from Webapp Context - How a service reads a file from web app context folder
- Using Tapestry Test - How to actually use Tapestry test
- Visualizing the Component Hierarchy - How to visualize the component hierarchy just on your pages in the browser
- Conditionally Rendering Attributes - How to conditionally render HTML tag attributes in Tapestry templates
- Send Error Page as Email - How to send a dev-mode error page in an production-mode environment (tap version 5.2.6)
- Get an HTML String from a render command parameter - How to use tapestry's rendering engine to convert a parameter specified in TML to a serverside HTML string
Select Components
- Displayable Selection Model - A selection model for objects that implement an interface. Used for select components and more.
- Select Component Alternative - An alternative implementation of the Select core component based on the Daniel Jue's GenericSelectionModel and GenericValueEncoder classes.
- Multiple-Select Component - Explains how to build a multiple select component based on Daniel Jue's GenericValueEncoder classes.
- Selecting with Objects - another example on how to make <SELECT> filled with objects
- Selecting with Objects, #2 - yet another example with on how to make <SELECT> on objects, now with annotations.
Inversion of Control (IOC)
- Using Tapestry-IoC Alone - Example of using tapestry-ioc standalone (without web part). And the same, but with tapestry-hibernate added Tapestry5HowToIocAndHibernate
- Creating a Dispatcher - How to create a completely transparent access control system by implementing a Dispatcher.
- Creating a Dispatcher, part 2 - A supplemental article showing how to access request-specific data (ASOs) from a singleton service. To demonstrate we expand on the code shown in the first article.
- Decorating a Service - An example of a simple service decorator
- Creating a Configurable Service - How to use symbols to create a sandbox and production version of a service. Requires Tapestry5HowToReadSymbolsFromPropertiesFile (PayPal example)
Binding Prefixes
Bindings are used in templates ${message:myMessageKey} or as attribute to components <t:mycomponent value="literal:Hello world"/> to access message in resource bundles, properties, pass String literals and many more. The following pages explain how to write your own bindings.
- Adding a "list:" Binding Prefix - An example of a list: binding prefix. Useful for Action/Event/PageLink context etc.
- Adding a "map:" Binding Prefix - An example of a map: binding prefix. Useful for supplying key=value pairs to components.
- Adding a "cycle:" Binding Prefix - An example of an cycle: binding prefix. Makes zebra effect simple to do
<t:grid .... rowClass="cycle:line1,line2">
- Adding a "messageformat:" Binding Prefix - Describes how to add a messageformat prefix for specifying values for use in messages inline.
- Domain-level Localization - An example of how to overwrite the Locale domain-dependent
- Changing Locale - Change the locale of the user.
- Outputting Locale-formatted Numbers - Creating a new component for formatting (numbers) according to locale, using literals (integer, decimal or currency). It's based on Output component.
Streaming Data
- Creating Pie Charts in a Page - An example of dynamic charts inside a page (Using StreamResponse)
- Creating a Simple Graph Component - An example of simple pie chart component (Using StreamResponse)
- Creatinga Generic Graph Component - A component that takes in a JFreeChart as a parameter
- Creating a Dynamic PDF - A simple example of how to return a dynamically generated PDF from an event (Using StreamResponse)
- Streaming an Existing Binary File - A simple example of how to stream an existing file, like an image. (Using StreamResponse)
Integration with other frameworks
- Module Registry - List of different extensions and modules
- Using Tapestry-Hibernate - Example/Tutorial of how to use Tapestry-Hibernate in your code.
- Using Tapestry-IoC and Tapestry-Hibernate Standalone - Example of using tapestry-oc+tapestry-hibernate standalone (without web part).
- First Project with Tapestry 5, Spring & Hibernate - A translation of a french article about integrating Spring, Hibernate and Tapestry
- Manipulating Classes at Runtime show you how easy is to add class methods at runtime.
- Using HibernateGridDatasource how to use the HibernateGridDatasource class from tapestry-hibernate module.
- Using HibernateGridDatasource with HQL simple hibernated grid datasource using HQL (Hibernate Query Language).
- Using HibernateGridDatasource with Criteria API simple hibernated grid datasource using hibernate criteria API.
- Flexible Abstract GridDataSource very flexible abstract GridDataSource for using any org.hibernate.Query object, so you can use HQL, SQL, Criteria, DaO, etc.
- Brainless Entity Timestamping - How to have entities automatically time stamped using tapestry-hibernate, simply by adding certain fields!
- Avoiding Lazy Initialization Exceptions - How to avoid "Lazy Initialization" exceptions
- Avoiding DOWSID Exceptions - How to avoid "Different Object with same ID" exceptions
- Integrating with Spring - How to inject Spring beans into Tapestry pages and components
- Integrating with Spring and JPA - Quick tutorial on using Tapestry with Spring Transactions and JPA
- Integrating with Spring Transactions - brief tutorial of how to integrate Tapestry5 components with Spring transactions.
- Testing with Tapestry-Spring - How to test Tapestry pages which use Spring Beans
Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
- Integrating with GWT - An example based heavily on Pär Dahlberg's blog example on, with generalized design tips.
- Support @EJB Annotation - Support @EJB Annotation in Tapestry pages / components
Security is the condition of being protected against danger, loss, and criminals.
Authentication and Authorization related
- Using Acegi Security and CAS - Francois Armand explains how he combines T5, Acegi Security and CAS (A Central Authentication Service, providing intranet single sign-on).
- Securing Pages with ACEGI Annotations - How to secure Tapestry5 pages with Java5 annotations using the Acegi security framework
- Securing Pages with ACEGI XML - How to use Acegi Security with Tapestry 5, in the classical way (no annotations, some XML)
- Controlling Access with Annotations - Another supplemental article based on Tapestry5HowToCreateADispatcher2 showing how to control access to pages based on an annotation.
- Securing with ACEGI & LDAP - How to protect you application using Acegi and LDAP
- Securing with Spring & LDAP - How to protect you application using Spring Security and LDAP
- Spring Security & OpenID - How to provide OpenID authentication to your clients using tapestry-spring-security
- Mitigating Login Attacks - How to track failed logins and mitigate brute force or dictionary attacks
- Preventing Cross-site Request Forgeries - How to protect against 'Cross-site request forgeries' (CSRF)
- Preventing Client Side Changes - How to protect server side generated values against client side changes using a HMAC
Bug workarounds / patches
- Using UTF-8 Encoding - How to use UTF-8 encoding to support foreign characters
- Root Path Empty Response Patch - A runtime patch for the root path empty response bug
- TAPESTRY-1745 - Tapestry5.0.5 Palette Component IE Bug Patch
- Running Tapestry on JBoss 5 - How to run Tapestry 5 on JBoss 5
- Running Tapestry on JBoss 6.0 - How to run Tapestry 5 on JBoss 6.0
- Running Tapestry on JBoss 6.1 - How to run Tapestry 5 on JBoss 6.1
- Running Tapestry on JBoss 7.1 - How to run Tapestry 5 on JBoss 7.1
- Running Tapestry on WebSphere - How to tun Tapestry 5 on Websphere (6.1)
- Tapestry5 bug tracker
Meta info
- Quickstart with Maven 2.0.6 - If you've had some trouble getting maven2.0.6 to compile the quickstart, here's how to do it.
- Where to Store External Resources - Where to store resources like CSS, JS and Images in your application
- Where to Store Configuration Resources - Where to store resources like Hibernate configuration files, logging properties, and web application context information in your application
- Searching the Mailing List - Force Google to only search the mailing list (results found in these lists are often hidden due to the limited #links)
- Overriding the Default Error Message Banner - How to override the default error message banner
- Dealing with Trolls - How to deal with trolls on the list, and one in particular
Coding traps
- How Not to Make a Custom Component - If you are making a custom component, there are few things you shouldn't do...
- Component Class Resolver Error - When organizing your component (or page) directories, pay special attention!
- Caveats - or more literally, "let him beware".
How to contribute
Chris Lewis mentioned Tapestry's IRC: #tapestry AT "There's usually 5 ~ 8 of us in there, and we work/talk about Tapestry."
Please add more 'how tos'. Remember to prefix the page name with Tapestry5.