To checkout trunk:
Using Git
Pending a VOTE
This page will become valid if the VOTE for Apache Tika to move to using Git passes.
git clone
(Deprecated) Old Method using SVN
svn checkout tika.trunk
If you prefer git, you can clone repo mirror from github: git clone
To run all tests: mvn test
To run a single test: mvn test -Dtest=RTFParserTest -DfailIfNoTests=false
To run a single integration test: mvn verify -Dit.test=BundleIT -Dtest=non-existing-test -DfailIfNoTests=false
, to run integration test building only relevant part command like mvn -am -pl tika-bundle verify -Dit.test=BundleIT -Dtest=non-existing-test -DfailIfNoTests=false
could be used.
Maven (Surefire plugin) by default suppresses the stack trace when you hit a failure; if you want to see it add -Dsurefire.useFile=false
to the command-line.