You can deploy a war file using the following ant tasks -
Read this first

1. You need to have the tomcat manager application available for the host. In Tomcat 6 and later it is like any other web application in {${catalina.base}/webapps}. In Tomcat 5.5 it is configured by reference – as context file manager.xml in {${catalina.base}/conf/Catalina/localhost} pointing to {${catalina.home}/server/webapps/manager}.

2. Add the catalina-ant.jar to your classpath... mine was in {${catalina.home}/lib}

<taskdef resource="org/apache/catalina/ant/catalina.tasks" classpathref="your.class.path" />

<target name="tomcat.undeploy" >
  <undeploy url="${deploy.url}" failOnError="false" username="${deploy.user}" password="${deploy.pass}" path="${deploy.context}"/>

<target name="tomcat.deploy" >
  <deploy url="${deploy.url}" username="${deploy.user}" password="${deploy.pass}" path="${deploy.context}" war="file:${deploy.war}"/>    	    	
<target name="tomcat.start" >
  <start url="${deploy.url}" failOnError="false" username="${deploy.user}" password="${deploy.pass}" path="${deploy.context}"/>
<target name="tomcat.stop" > 
  <stop url="${deploy.url}" failOnError="false" username="${deploy.user}" password="${deploy.pass}" path="${deploy.context}"/>


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