Apache Tomcat Release Process


This is written primarily for Apache Tomcat release managers although it may also be of interest to anyone looking to validate and/or replicate the release process. This page uses Tomcat 9 as an example but the same process applies to later versions as well. Please ensure that you have an environment that is set up properly for a release build, plus that you are using the latest versions of toolchain components (specifically, the JDK and ant).

Preliminary checks

  • Check that the version numbers have been incremented after the previous release, as expected. (e.g. https://github.com/apache/tomcat/commit/cec14f9c33af9da271c9681bf6b343c61b6d055a).
  • Check that the changelog file mentions your login name as release manager for this release (e.g. "Tomcat 9.0.94 (markt)").
  • Check whether the KEYS file differs from https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/tomcat/tomcat-9/KEYS one. The latter one will be replaced after you do a release. Check that the KEYS file contains your public key.
  • Check that you are using the latest release of the Java Development Kit and Apache Ant that are appropriate for your Tomcat branch.
  • Check that Buildbot builds (https://tomcat.apache.org/ci.html#Buildbot) are green.
  • Prepare your build environment:
    • Add a build.properties file (or, better yet, keep this file in your ~/build.properties if you have a dedicated build machine) with the following configuration (adjust paths for your environment)
      gpg.exec=C:/Program Files (x86)/GNU/GnuPG/gpg2.exe
      # Enable the following if the SSL.com eSigner magic is all set up.
      codesigning.storepass=asfuserid@apache.org|<your SSL.com password>
      codesigning.keypass=<your SSL.com 'secret code' / MFA seed for signing, not for site-login>
      # Enable the following if the DigiCert ONE magic is all set up.

Build the release + create git tag

The aim is to create a copy of the current trunk but without the "-dev" appended to the end of the version number. All artifacts required for repeatable builds will be included as well.

  • Perform a git clone and switch to the correct branch
  • Execute ant pre-release. This makes the following changes to the source tree:
    • Create build.properties.release containing a number of handy settings:
      • ant.tstamp.now.iso set to the ISO-8601 timestamp value of "now" e.g. 2024-07-07T21:02:13Z (this can be generated using the UNIX date command: TZ=UTC date +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')

      • version.dev=(empty string)

    • Edit webapps/docs/changelog.xml and replace rtext="in development" with rtext="Release in progress" for the version being released
  • Build the release
    • ant release
  • Commit these changes
    • git add --all (to pick-up the repeatable build artifacts in addition to the content-changes from above)
    • git commit --all --message "Tag 9.0.94"
    • git tag 9.0.94
    • git push origin 9.0.94
  • Check the diff mailed to the dev list


  • GPG should be configured to use your Apache code signing key by default.
  • I always ensured c:/temp/libs was empty so that the build had to download all the dependencies.
  • If you get an error signing the installer/uninstaller then you probably don't have your codesigning.storepass propert) set properly.

Upload the release

Upload the contents of TOMCAT_9_0_XX/output/release to https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/tomcat/tomcat-9/

Generate the Maven artifacts

See https://github.com/apache/tomcat/blob/9.0.x/res/maven/README.txt steps 1 to 3 for the release (not step 4 until the vote passes !)

  • cd res/maven
  • ant -f mvn-pub.xml deploy-release

Call a vote

Cleaning Up

  • Reset to the 9.0.x branch (git reset HEAD~ && git checkout build.properties.default && git checkout webapps/docs/changelog.xml && rm -f build.properties.release res/maven/mvn.properties.release res/install-win/Uninstall.exe.sig res/install-win/tomcat-installer.exe.sig)

I found it simplest to keep this clone for tagging to ensure no other edits found their way into the tag.

To get a clean copy of the release (e.g. for testing):

  • mkdir /c/releases/TOMCAT_9_0_94
  • git archive 9.0.94 | tar -x -C /c/releases/TOMCAT_9_0_94/

I'm using Git Bash for the above. Adjust as necessary for you choice of tools.

If the vote passes

  • Send a recap "[VOTE][RESULT]" email to the vote thread on the dev list with the vote counts.
  •  svn mv https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/tomcat/tomcat-9/v9.0.XX https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/tomcat/tomcat-9/v9.0.XX
  •  svn checkout --depth immediates https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/tomcat/tomcat-9/ 

    and update the KEYS file there to be the same as the one used for release. (The download page has links pointing to this file).

  • Release the Maven artifacts (https://github.com/apache/tomcat/blob/9.0.x/res/maven/README.txt step 4)
  • Wait for the release artifacts to appear in these locations:
  • Update the website (e.g. https://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=1901819)
    Note: only modify the xdocs/ files, then use ant docs  to generate the HTML.
    Note: the index and oldnews pages are sorted by date. Thus the new announcement pops up to the top of the page.
    Note: using tools/update-version.sh oldver newver releasedate asfuser from the 'site' project may help you with almost all of the website updates below.
    • Update the build.properties.default file to ensure the correct release is listed.
    • Update download page (update "[define v]" macro for the new version)
    • Update whichversion page (the current version number).
    • Update doap_Tomcat.rdf file (version number and release date).
    • Update docs/tomcat-[v]-doc/changelog.html to set the release date to the date the files were copied to the release area in yyyy-MM-dd format ("beta, 2007-02-28" for betas).
    • Update migration page (versions in "configuration file differences" comparison form).
      • Notable changes that change behaviour and may require action when upgrading from the previous release may be added to the "noteable changes" section on the migration page.
    • Move old announcement to the top of the oldnews page.
    • Add announcement for the new release to the top of the front page (index).
    • Update the javadocs (see https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/tomcat/site/trunk/README.txt)

  • Announce the release (e.g. http://markmail.org/message/xyantb3ozzmucdjt) to users@t.a.o, cc dev@t.a.o, announce@t.a.o, announce@a.o (try ./tools/update-version.sh oldver newver date asfuser email where "email" is literal, to auto-generate your announcement email message)
  • Add the version number in Bugzilla (https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/ → Administration → Products / versions)
  • Drop the artifacts for the previous release from https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/tomcat/tomcat-[v]/
  • Add release data (version and date) to reporter.apache.org - https://reporter.apache.org/addrelease.html?tomcat

If the vote does not pass

  • No labels