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Tuscany/TuscanyJava/DAS Java Overview/RDBDAS Java User Guide
This Guide provides user-level information describing the capabilities of the RDB DAS.
This section provides an overview of several main concepts that are key to understanding and working with the RDB DAS.
- ConventionOverConfiguration
- ChangeSummaryProcessing
- WriteOperationOrdering
- PartialUpdate
- ResultSetDrivenDataObjectTypes
- OptimisticConcurrencyControl
- ForeignKeyRepresentationAndManagement
Capabilities (How to)
- WorkingWithBasicCrud - Reading and writing to the database
- WorkingWithOptimisticConcurrencyControl
- WorkingWithGeneratedDatabaseKeys
- Configurable database generated keys support
- WorkingWithStoredProcedures
- WorkingWithRelationships
- WorkingWithConventions
- WorkingWithTransactions
- WorkingWithColumnConverters
- WorkingWithPaging
- WorkingWithStaticDataObjects
- WorkingWithCompoundKeys
- WorkingWithNameMapping (aliasing)
- Logging
- Explicit ResultSet shape definition
- Graph Merge
- Connection support for J2SE environment
- Named parameters support
Samples (See Capabilities In Use)
User can try the samples below to understand the above mentioned concepts and capabilities.
- Company Web Sample (Demonstrates basic CRUD)
- Customer J2SE Sample (Demonstrate using DAS in J2SE environment)
- Advanced Web Sample (Demonstrate advanced DAS features like ResultSet Shape, Optimistic Concurrency Control, Converter usage)
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