Velocity and Development Tools

These contributions from the user community can make developing with Velocity easier and more convenient. If you have additional plugins to editors or IDE's, please add them to the bottom of the list below.


Veloeclipse is a Velocity editor, based on Veloedit, which also provides smart editing of XML and HTML files.

JointLogic provides Web Designer plug-in that allows WYSIWYG authoring of HTML and XHTML documents and fragments with embedded Velocity template language elements.

Joe Hudson ( has created a plug-in for editing templates with the Eclipse IDE. Features include: content assist (Velocity directives, variables, macros, javascript, HTML, java context objects), outline view (HTML & Directive) and syntax highlighting.

Torsten Juergeleit ( has created a plugin for editing templates with the Eclipse IDE.

aloba ag has integrated a velocity editor into their Eclipse based opensource GeneratorFramework named QiQu. It is based on Torsten Juergeleit's veloedit, but extends it with a realtime preview and improved code assistance. Refer to the QiQudocumentation for details.


A Velocity Language Module is provided by Wishingline for the BBEdit Macintosh editor.

Boxer Text Editor

David Hamel has created a color syntax definition file for highlighting Velocity macros in the Boxer Text Editor.

Coda 2

Benjamin Dunn ( has contributed a syntax highlighting mode for Coda 2, available here.


Jason Gill (aka Pete the Chop) created a Dreamweaver Extension that gives full Velocity support in the Dreamweaver web editor.

IntelliJ IDEA

Rickard Oberg ( has contributed templates for the IntelliJ IDEA IDE. View it at IntelliJTemplates.

Dennis Lundberg has contributed a IntelliJSyntaxHighlighting file type configuration for IntelliJ IDEA. It gives you syntax highlighting for .vm files.

UltraEdit Editor

Herve Guidetti ( contributed a 'word.txt' addition (with tweaks and comments by Wido Hillmann ( for the UltraEdit programmers editor. Find this at UltraEdit.


Saimon Moore ( contributed a Velocity mode for the java-based editor JEdit, and can be found here in JEditTemplate.


Jeff Linwood ( created a simple syntax definition for Velocity for the TextPad editor, which can be found here.


Brian Leonard ( contributed a minor mode that does font-locking (syntax coloring) of VTL in XEmacs and GNU Emacs. As a minor mode, it insinuates itself into whatever major mode you're using, so you don't lose the major mode's goodness. Read more about it in EmacsVtlMode.


Tom Armitage ( has produced a bundle for Textmate that provides syntax highlighting and some snippets. It's in its early stage, so contributions are welcome. You can find it hosted at its Google Code site for now.

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