The framework has:
- A flexible, plain old Java object (POJO)-based architecture to structure your code and pages, yet stay out of your way
- A theme-enabled tag library supporting JSP, Velocity, and Freemarker
- Built in support for complex Javascript and Ajax widgets
- A simple plugin framework to integrate with third-party libraries like JavaServer Faces, JasperReports, and JFreeChart.
- Built-in debugging tools supporting profiling, problem reports, and interactive object model queries.
- Automatic portlet support allowing portal and servlet deployments with no code changes.
- Quick start development tools like Maven archetypes, automatic reloading configuration files, and bootstrap tutorials.
- Support for multiple struts.xml files so that modules can be packaged in individual jars
- The Jetty plugin bundled in the archetype for quick deployment
- Reloaded configurations so that new code could be put into production on a live system