February 2012 Report
Development of the XML Schema 1.1 validator reached an important milestone this quarter. Xerces-J now passes all of the relevant XML Schema 1.1 W3C test cases and that has helped advance the XML Schema 1.1 specification to a W3C Proposed Recommendation. This means we're finally in the home stretch and should be able to make XML Schema 1.1 support a full fledged feature of Xerces-J in the not too distant future.
We're already getting some early interest for GSoC 2012. So far two students have joined the development mailing list and are asking about potential project ideas.
Several new bug reports and patches were created/provided by members of the community. These still need to be reviewed.
Mailing list traffic has been moderate; about 50+ posts on the j-dev and j-users lists since the beginning of December.
No new releases this quarter.
Moderate development activity during the reporting period: 3 bugs have been filed, 8 have been resolved.
Mailing list traffic has been moderate; about 60+ posts on the c-dev and c-users lists since the beginning of December.
No new releases this quarter.
Nothing in particular to report. There was no development activity over the reporting period.
XML Commons
A suggestion to fix a URL conversion issue in the XML Commons Resolver was made by one user who also questioned whether it's still worth supporting Java 1.3 in 2012. Otherwise it's been a quiet period with no other mailing list traffic to report.
Moving the website and SVN location under the Xerces domain is still a TODO.
Apache Project Branding Requirements
There's still some work left to do on the TLP website, including adding TM to the project logo. No progress this quarter.