November 2011 Report
The committers continue to focus on improving the schema validator's conformance to the XML Schema 1.1 specification and are closing in on a 100% pass rate for the W3C test cases. This work should help the specification move towards becoming a W3C recommendation.
Our two GSoC students successfully completed their projects. We look forward to integrating their contributions into a future release.
Mailing list traffic has been moderate; about 165+ posts on the j-dev and j-users lists since the beginning of August.
No new releases this quarter.
No major development activity during the reporting period.
Mailing list traffic has been moderate; about 80+ posts on the c-dev and c-users lists since the beginning of August.
No new releases this quarter.
Nothing in particular to report. There was no development activity over the reporting period.
XML Commons
Several minor improvements were made to the XML Commons Resolver in September and October. Otherwise it's been a quiet period with no mailing list traffic to report.
The website and SVN location still need to be moved over from the XML project.
Apache Project Branding Requirements
There's still some work left to do on the TLP website, including adding TM to the project logo. No progress this quarter.