Instructions for Presenters
Please either upload your presentation slides to this page, or link your presentation slides to this page. To edit this wiki, you need to have an account. You are also encouraged to upload your slides to SlideShare. SlideShare slides should be tagged with apacheconeu2008 and apachecon. For questions, email the ConCom planners (or find one of us at the conference.)
Training Sessions
- Apache Cookbook by Rich Bowen
- mod_rewrite Cookbook by Rich Bowen
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
- State Of The Feather by Jim Jagielski
System Administration Track
- Introduction to mod_rewrite by Rich Bowen
- Apache Performance Tuning Part 1: Scaling Up by Sander Temme
- Apache Performance Tuning Part 2: Scaling Out by Sander Temme
- Load-Balancing with Apache HTTPD 2.2 by Erik Abele
- Scaling the Download Infrastructure With Your Success by Peter Poeml
- Break My Site by Jeremy Quinn
Java and Ajax Development Track
- Securing Java EE 5.0 Applications with Apache Geronimo by Vamsavardhana Reddy Chillakuru
The Business of Open Source Track
- Making Sense of Open Source Licenses by J. Aaron Farr
- Open Source Tools are Good for You! by Bertrand Delacretaz
Fast Feather Track
- mahout_fast_feather.pdf by Isabel Drost
- MIME Magic with Apache Tika by Jukka Zitting
- Apache Vysper:XMPP Server - IM and beyond by Bernd Fondermann
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Web Security Track
- Hardening Enterprise Apache Installations by Sander Temme
- Kerberos and Single Sign-On with HTTP by Joe Orton
Java, SOA and Web Services
- Cayenne, OpenJPA, iBatis - Apache Persistence Layers by Henning Schmiedehausen
Community and Business Track
- Behind the Scenes of the Apache Software Foundation by Lars Eilebrecht
- The ASF Sponsorship Program by Jim Jagielski
- Guide to successful graduation at Apache by Martijn Dashorst
- Great Code comes from Great Community by Chris J. Davis
- How Users can Help a Project? by Samisa Abeysinghe
Fast Feather Track
- OOXML Excel support in Apache POI by Nick Burch
- HSLF - PowerPoint support in Apache POI by Yegor Kozlov
- Introducting Scala - Building a Scala DSL for Apache Camel by Gert Vanthienen
Friday, 11 April 2008
System Administration Track
- Administering Apache Geronimo 2.x by Vamsavardhana Reddy Chillakuru
- ApacheConEU2008-T2606-Jetspeed-2.pdf by Ate Douma
Application Development
- A Tour of Apache Hadoop by Tom White
- HadoopProgramming.pdf by Owen O'Malley
- A Gentle Introduction to APR by Colm MacCárthaigh
- Apache Maven Best Practices by Wendy Smoak
Web Services and Web 2.0
- Taking Apache Camel For a Ride by Bruce Snyder
- Advanced Apache Roller by Dave Johnson
- Web Services, Orchestration and Apache Ode by Alex Boisvert
Links mentioned during the Q&A:
Develop and execute WS-BPEL V2.0 business processes using the Eclipse BPEL plug-in
Execute business processes with Eclipse STP BPMN
- File system on steroids by Jukka Zitting
- JCR in Action by Carsten Ziegeler