Welcome to the Boston Cocoon & Lenya User Group
We now have our very own Apache Cocoon meetup group. Check our meetup page for details about upcoming events.
We invite anyone interested in Apache-based development, content management, or application architecture to join us for an evening of informal discussion of Apache Cocoon technology and developer experiences. Our next meeting of the will be held on 11 May 2005 at:
Fire + Ice
50 Church St, Cambridge, MA
6:00 pm - whenever
A link to an online map is provided below.
This meeting will be both a social event and to plan for the upcoming "progressive lab" series of meetings. Fire and Ice is a fun Harvard Square eatery where you can assemble the ingredients for your entree, and watch it being prepared in the restaurants open kitchen.
Subsequently, our group will conduct a series of meetings that will focus on application development using Apache Cocoon. During each meeting, the group will design, build, and test a simple web-based application using Apache Cocoon and other tools. We will be looking for ideas, suggestions and volunteers to get the progressive lab started!
We will need to make a firm reservation by 10 May, so please RSVP to: brad.kain@quoininc.com
We hope to see you there!
Link to Map
What is it?
The objective for the Boston Cocoon Users Group is to provide a forum for end-users and technologists to learn about Apache Cocoon. We plan on holding monthly meetings in the Boston area. The meetings will allow participants to do the following:
- Describe examples of Cocoon use;
- Present design patterns;
- Share real-world experience;
- Discuss business and technology objectives;
- Present case studies; and,
- See vendor technical presentations.
All meetings will be held at MIT in Cambridge, MA, E51-372 The building is located at 60 Memorial Drive, with an entrance at the corner of Wadsworth & Amherst Streets. This is a short distance from the Kendall T.
Past Events
9 December 2004 6:00 - 7:30 Print on Demand Solutions – Gregor Rothfuss
There will be a dinner afterwards.
13 January 2005 Cocoon Best Practices – Jean Pierre Lejacq
10 February 2005 Application-Building in Cocoon – Eric Meyer
11 May 2005 Apache Cocoon Social – Fire & Ice, 50 Church Street, Cambridge
If you are interested in the Boston Cocoon & Lenya User Group, then add your name here, and also sign up on our new meetup page. As a meetup member, you will be notified of upcoming events.
- BenSheppard – Paradigm Visions
- EricMeyer – Quoin
- GregorRothfuss – Wyona
- DanDurkin – Scientific Learning
- BradKain – Quoin
- JeanPierreLejacq – Quoin
- StephenNg – Lumigent Systems
- StefanoMazzocchi – MIT
- SethGottlieb – Optaros
- TomGreen – CAST
- DanielLaFlamme – UMass Amherst
The notes are available at CocoonUserGroupBostonNotes