Apache Triplesec: Strong (2-factor) Mobile Identity Management


Identity management and security technologies dealing with multifactor authentication to deter phishing scams are in high demand. More governments are mandating the use of multifactor authentication for online transactions: in the U.S. the new "guidance" from the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) essentially says banks will need to have multifactor authentication for their online customers within 2007. Triplesec combines the features of an identity management platform along with a strong (2-factor) authentication solution with a mobile key fob that runs on your cell phone. Triplesec is a hybrid server that will allow for 2-factor authentication, SSO, centralized authorization policy management and event auditing for meeting various regulatory standards. Using Triplesec we will show you how to enable 2-factor authentication in your applications using a cost effective mobile token that runs on any J2ME MIDP 1.0 compatible device. If time permits Triplesec dynamic authorization control for applications will be discussed and demonstrated.
By attending this talk, you will receive enough information to immediately start using Apache Triplesec as a identity management and strong authentication (2-factor) solution to lock down and protect your applications.




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