Historic Information
This page is no longer applicable to current releases. Current documentation for is now kept on the website, see http://qpid.apache.org/documentation.html for more details.
Installing & Using Qpid (Java)
The information below details how to install and use the main Broker and Client packages.
Essentially, to make use of the Qpid AMQP infrastructure you need to be able to run a broker instance to handle messaging traffic and talk to your client code. Your own application code will make use of the Qpid client package provided to interface with the broker.
Related pages to get you going
Minor apologies since these instructions are heavily linux/unix focused. If you have difficulty using our .bat script (see below) please email qpid-users for assistance.
The Qpid broker requires Java 5 or later to be available. For maximum performance Java 6 is recommended. Note that JDK 5 has a bug which may cause problems, so plase use versions later than 1.5.0_15 !
The Java JMS client can be run using Java 1.4, 5 or 6. Note that the 1.4 client libraries come in a separate package.
Downloading & Installing Qpid
The latest binary and source distributions of Qpid Broker and Client packages are available from the downloads page.
If you want to use a newer version than an official release then you should check out the code from the Subversion repository and then consult the Build How To page.
Broker Install
Unpack the archive into any directory of your choice e.g c:/qpid
Once unpacked, the package will be installed in a directory with a release label (i.e. qpid-broker-0.5) and the directories underneath should look something like this:
Contains various startup utilities:
qpid-server is a bash script which runs the broker on linux/unix. You should set the environment variable QPID_HOME to point at your install path e.g. C:/qpid/qpid-broker-0.5. This enables the startup script to find default config files in the installed etc directory.
qpid-run is a script which allows shell commands to be executed which the qpid-server script utilises.
qpid-server.bat is a dos script which runs the broker on Windows. See note above about QPID_HOME.
create-example-ssl-stores(.sh/.bat) bash shell / dos batch script to create an example SSL keystore and truststore for use by the brokers JMX management connections, which now ship with SSL enabled by default. Either provide your own keystore by modifying the broker configuration, or run the appropriate script from the /etc directory to create example stores to allow initial broker startup. Alternatively you can modify the configuration files in /etc to turn SSL use off.
The other scripts in this directory can be safely ignored for now.
Contains all the jars used by the broker.
The qpid-all.jar contains a manifest file which puts the requisite jars into the classpath for broker startup.
Other files & jars in here can be safely ignored for now.
Contains the config files used by the broker on startup.
If running on a unix or linux platform check that the appropriate permissions have been applied to the .sh scripts. If not, then update i.e. chmod 755 *.sh
Environment Variables
Qpid Locations
You should set the following variables:
QPID_HOME - specifies where your install of Qpid exists, used for broker lookups of files etc
QPID_WORK - defines location of all working files created by the broker including log and db (i.e. BDB if used)
PATH - ensure that the QPID_HOME/bin directory is added to your path so that the server scripts can run
- First set the QPID_HOME variable to reflect the root of your installation. For example, if you have installed the broker package into a directory <homedir>/broker/qpid-xx then you should set the QPID_HOME variable to <homedir>/broker/qpid-xx.
- You can also set the QPID_WORK variable in order to control the destination directory for the log dir into which broker logging is generated. For example, if you wish to set the working directory to be <homedir>/working you should set the QPID_WORK directory to be <homedir>/working. Note that the QPID_WORK variable defaults to the current user's home directory if not set.
- Then set your PATH variable appropriately to include the bin dir
Setting JAVA environment
You must make the JDK available available by setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable and adding the JAVA_HOME/bin directory to your PATH.
You should use JDK 1.6, or at least a version later than 1.5_15.
For example, if you have installed the JDK in /home/jdk1.6 then:
JAVA_HOME should be set to /home/jdk1.6
PATH should include /home/jdk1.6/bin
To check that you have completed this change successfully, simply type
java -version
You should see something like
java version "1.6.0_02"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_02-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.6.0_02-b06, mixed mode)
The Qpid scripts set the classpath and other flags required for the broker to run.
We ship two example configuration files with the Java broker:
persistent_config.xml - when you want to use any persistent messages with the Qpid broker (currently with BDB)
transient_config.xml - for transient messaging only
You can simply use one of these config files to get started, using the -c option to specify to the qpid-server script. See details next in the next section for more info on command line options.
Please visit our 3rd Party Libraries page to get more generic information on how to set up your chosen persistence implementation for Qpid.
Running the Qpid Broker
There are scripts provided to run the broker on Windows and on Linux/Unix.
Running the Qpid Broker on Linux/Unix
- Make sure you have set the QPID_HOME variable as specified above, and QPID_WORK if you don't want the default
- Make sure you have provided an SSL keystore for the JMX management connections, or disabled the SSL usage, as detailed above in the 'broker install' section.
- One of the config files (persistent_config.xml or transient_config.xml) supplied in the etc directory one level below your root dir probably doesn't need modification and should be passed in using -c and the path to your config file
- Then run the qpid-server script from the root dir of your install. (The qpid-server script also supports cygwin environments.)
Command Line Arguments
You can get a list of all command line arguments by using the -h argument.
The following command line options are available:
Option |
Long Option |
Description |
b |
bind |
Bind to the specified address overriding any value in the config file |
c |
config |
Use the given configuration file |
h |
help |
Prints list of options |
l |
logconfig |
Use the specified log4j.xml file rather than that in the etc directory |
p |
port |
Specify port to listen on. Overrides value in config file |
v |
version |
Print version information and exit |
w |
logwatch |
Specify interval for checking for logging config changes. Zero means no checking |
For more detailed information on configuration, please see Qpid Design - Configuration
Checking the broker has started up
You can check that the broker has started up successfully by viewing the output it sends to stdout and looking for the start up port info:
2009-07-15 14:04:49,411 WARN [main] management.JMXManagedObjectRegistry (JMXManagedObjectRegistry.java:187) - Starting JMX ConnectorServer on port '8999' (+9099) with SSL
2009-07-15 14:04:49,842 INFO [main] server.Main (Main.java:279) - Starting Qpid Broker 0.5 build: xxxxxxx
2009-07-15 14:04:49,910 INFO [main] server.Main (Main.java:387) - Qpid.AMQP listening on non-SSL address
Running the Qpid Broker on Windows
Simply set the QPID_HOME variable and run the .bat script. All other details as identical to running on Linux/Unix.
So for example:
Getting Help
You can view our FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for assistance. If you can't find the information that you need there, then email our qpid users list
Vladimir Baranov
With the current package, java client will not run with proper setup if you download "Full Release", - qpid-all.jar is missing from the package. Download the separate Java broker package.
Aidan Skinner
Full release is a source release, you'd need to build qpid-all.jar with "ant build". Did that not work for you?