- Release notes generated from Jira are incomplete/inaccurate
- Release note text files are included in the artifacts, so can only contain things which are known in advanced
- Releases shouldn't be scheduled right before the holiday break
- Trunk was closed for a long time
- Was difficult to know what the status of the release was due to Jira inaccuracies
- Lack of clear documentation about release artifacts
- Lack of interest in fixing problems with some artifacts
- Many java commits unreviewed: jiras randomly set to resolved, sat in in-progress for ages etc.
- Addition of GPL library as dependency
- branching and tagging conventions are inconsistent across releases
- windows build files require manual updates was a problem
- We should be time boxed or scope bound
- Test profiles needs to be ok against defined set before RC spun (inc TCK)
- System testing & smoke testing (cross-platform) needs to be defined and signed up too/off before RC vote
- Criteria should be defined for RC sign off thus making the signing off more useful for the RM
- JIRAs for a release should be scoped in as work starts on the task, scoped out as they get dropped
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