Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Solr 8.1.0 released
16 May 2019, Apache Solr™ 8.1.0 available
The Lucene PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache Solr 8.1.0
Solr is the popular, blazing fast, open source NoSQL search platform from the Apache Lucene project. Its major features include powerful full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search and analytics, rich document parsing, geospatial search, extensive REST APIs as well as parallel SQL. Solr is enterprise grade, secure and highly scalable, providing fault tolerant distributed search and indexing, and powers the search and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites.
The release is available for immediate download at:
Please read CHANGES.txt for a detailed list of changes:
Solr 8.1.0 Release Highlights
- Partial/Atomic Updates for nested documents. This enables atomic updates for nested documents, without the need to supply the whole nested hierarchy (which would be overwritten if absent).
- Category Routed Aliases feature introduced for data driven assignment of documents to collections based on values of a field
- JWT Token authentication plugin with OpenID Connect implicit flow login through Admin UI
- REINDEXCOLLECTION command for re-indexing of existing collections
- Collection RENAME command and support using aliases in most collection admin commands
- Read-only mode for SolrCloud collections
- Handling of incorrect or absent values was improved for many request parameters. In such cases the response is 400 http code (Bad Request), instead of 500 (Internal Server Error) as it was before.
- Breaching timeAllowed limit correctly responded as 200 http code (Ok) with partialResults=true, instead of 500 (Internal Server Error) as it was before in SolrCloud. Note, it was fixed for essential request parameters, if you still evidence 500 caused by timeAllowed, please submit an issue with log excerpt attached.
- In-place updates work for collections created with route.field.
- Asynchronous Collection API calls do not return completion status prematurely when more than one replica reside per note.
- Range Facets and Terms Component performance has been optimized for certain cases.
Solr 8.1.0 also includes many other new features as well as numerous optimizations and bugfixes of the corresponding Apache Lucene release.
Please report any feedback to the mailing lists (
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