This is a collection of resources that talk about Solr, or provide case studies of using Solr. People should feel free to add any publicly available information they find about Solr.


Books Specifically About Solr...

Other Useful books on Lucene, Text Processing, Search algorithms, etc...

Product Sheets




  • #solr on - the Solr community water cooler (web access)

Mailing List Archives

Several third parties provide excellent interfaces for searching/browsing the Solr mailing list archives. Please consider the tips on UsingMailingLists before posting.

Media (video, podcasts, etc)

  • Solr & Spark for Real-Time Big Data Analytics
    Recorded Webinar: Lucene/Solr Committer Tim Potter presents common use cases for integrating Spark and Solr, access to open source code, and performance metrics to help you develop your own large-scale search and discovery solution with Spark and Solr. (Published: September 2015)
  • Simpler Semantic Search with Solr
    Recorded Webinar: Hear from Lucidworks Senior Solutions Consultant Ted Sullivan about how to improve the quality of search results by examining the relationship between language and search. (Published: June 2015)
  • Inside Apache Solr 5
    Recorded Webinar: Join Lucidworks CTO and Apache Solr committer Grant Ingersoll for a guided tour of the latest release of Solr. You'll learn about SolrCloud hardening, clusterstate improvements, the schema and solrconfig APIs, easier ZooKeeper management, improved flexible and schemaless indexing, and overall ease-of-use improvements. (Published: February 2015)
  • Erik Hatcher discusses Solr on an episode of WebDevRadio here (2007-04-10)


Products Built On Solr

  • Lucidworks Fusion - Use Lucidworks Fusion to make your Solr development and maintenance easy.
  • 3RDi - provides solutions for Content Discovery, Semantic Enrichment, Governance, Analytics, Relevancy Management and Automated Testing.

Tip & Tricks



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