Applications, projects, and organizations using Thrift include:
- Amie Street
- Bibale uses Thrift for its backend and a modified compiler to use Thrift structures in GWT on the client side
- Conductor uses Thrift as the basis of its service-oriented architecture and has built infrastructure to integrate Thrift and Spring for ease of use by Java developers and external injection of client configuration. This allows for centralized and dynamic configuration of clients and servers, including protocols, locations, and transports.
- Cassandra project
- Dynomite project
- Evernote uses Thrift for its public API.
- Fluidinfo
- Hadoop supports access to its HDFS API through Thrift bindings
- HBase leverages Thrift for a cross-language API
- Hypertable leverages Thrift for a cross-language API since v0.9.1.0a
- Junkdepot
- Last fm
- Olark Live Help
- Powerset
- Python based real-time Web framework
- Rapleaf
- Scribe server
- Thrudb provides indexing and document storage services on top of Thrift
- Capillary Technologies