Named Entity Recognition (NER) with Tika
Named Entity Recognition is supported in tika-parsers, introduced in TIKA-1787. This page describes the steps required to configure and activate the NamedEntityParser.
Activate Named Entity Parser
Before moving ahead to configure NER implementations, org.apache.tika.parser.ner.NamedEntityParser, the parser responsible for handling the name recognition task needs to be enabled. This can be done with Tika Config XML file, as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <properties> <parsers> <parser class="org.apache.tika.parser.ner.NamedEntityParser"> <mime>text/plain</mime> <mime>text/html</mime> <mime>application/xhtml+xml</mime> </parser> </parsers> </properties>
This configuration has to be supplied in the later phases, so store it as 'tika-config.xml'.
Note: The NamedEntityParser parser does not restrict mimetypes, it uses Tika's auto detect parser to read text content from non-text streams.
Using Apache OpenNLP NER
The NE Parser is configured to use an implementation based on Apache OpenNLP. However, the NER models need to be added to the Tika's classpath to make this work.
The following table shows types of entities and the paths to place the model file.
Entity Type | Path for model | URL to get |
PERSON | org/apache/tika/parser/ner/opennlp/ner-person.bin | |
LOCATION | org/apache/tika/parser/ner/opennlp/ner-location.bin | |
ORAGANIZATION | org/apache/tika/parser/ner/opennlp/ner-organization.bin | |
DATE | org/apache/tika/parser/ner/opennlp/ner-date.bin | |
TIME | org/apache/tika/parser/ner/opennlp/ner-time.bin | |
PERCENT | org/apache/tika/parser/ner/opennlp/ner-percentage.bin | |
MONEY | org/apache/tika/parser/ner/opennlp/ner-money.bin |
- You can use any combination of the models. If you are interested in only the LOCATION names, then skip other NER models save LOCATION.
NER Models for other languages are also available . If you choose to use different language, use those URLs in the below script.
Tika App + OpenNLP NER in action
#Create a directory for keeping all the models. #Choose any convenient path but make sure to use absolute path export NER_RES=$HOME/tika/tika-ner-resources mkdir -p $NER_RES cd $NER_RES PATH_PREFIX="$NER_RES/org/apache/tika/parser/ner/opennlp" URL_PREFIX="" mkdir -p $PATH_PREFIX # using three entity types from the above table for demonstration wget "$URL_PREFIX/en-ner-person.bin" -O $PATH_PREFIX/ner-person.bin wget "$URL_PREFIX/en-ner-location.bin" -O $PATH_PREFIX/ner-location.bin wget "$URL_PREFIX/en-ner-organization.bin" -O $PATH_PREFIX/ner-organization.bin export TIKA_APP={your/path/to/tika-app}/target/tika-app-1.12-SNAPSHOT.jar java -classpath $NER_RES:$TIKA_APP org.apache.tika.cli.TikaCLI --config=tika-config.xml -m # Are there any metadata keys starting with "NER_" ?
Using Stanford CoreNLP NER
The 'org.apache.tika.parser.ner.corenlp.CoreNLPNERecogniser' class provides runtime bindings to Stanford CoreNLP CRF classifiers for named entity recognition.
The following steps are necessary to use this NER implementation:
- Add Core NLP library and its dependencies to classpath
- Add models to class path
- Set NER Implementation to CoreNLP
NOTE: The latest release of Stanford CoreNLP requires JDK8.
Tika + CoreNLP in action
cd /$HOME/src git clone cd tika-ner-corenlp mvn clean compile package assembly:single -PtikaAddon #this should produce target/tika-ner-corenlp-addon-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar export CORE_NLP_JAR=`find $PWD/target/tika-ner-corenlp-addon-*jar-with-dependencies.jar` export TIKA_APP={your/path/to/tika-app}/target/tika-app-1.12-SNAPSHOT.jar java -Dner.impl.class=org.apache.tika.parser.ner.corenlp.CoreNLPNERecogniser \ -classpath $TIKA_APP:$CORE_NLP_JAR org.apache.tika.cli.TikaCLI \ --config=tika-config.xml -m # Observe metadata keys starting with NER_ # To use 3class NER model (Default is 7 class model) java -Dner.corenlp.model=edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz \ -Dner.impl.class=org.apache.tika.parser.ner.corenlp.CoreNLPNERecogniser \ -classpath $TIKA_APP:$CORE_NLP_JAR org.apache.tika.cli.TikaCLI \ --config=tika-config.xml -m
The CoreNLP CRF classifier recognised the following from the text content of page:
NER_DATE: 2009 NER_DATE: 1963 NER_DATE: 1663 NER_DATE: 1982 NER_DATE: 1979 NER_LOCATION: Gonville NER_LOCATION: Einstein NER_LOCATION: London NER_LOCATION: Cambridge NER_LOCATION: Santa Cruz NER_ORGANIZATION: Leiden University NER_ORGANIZATION: NASA NER_ORGANIZATION: CBE NER_ORGANIZATION: Brief History of Time NER_ORGANIZATION: University of California NER_ORGANIZATION: Cambridge Lectures Publications Books Images Films NER_ORGANIZATION: Caius College NER_ORGANIZATION: Royal Society NER_ORGANIZATION: About Stephen The Computer Stephen NER_ORGANIZATION: US National Academy of Science NER_ORGANIZATION: Department of Applied Mathematics NER_ORGANIZATION: ESA NER_ORGANIZATION: The Universe NER_ORGANIZATION: Sally Tsui Wong-Avery Director of Research NER_ORGANIZATION: the University of Cambridge NER_ORGANIZATION: Theoretical Physics NER_ORGANIZATION: Baby Universe NER_PERSON: Einstein NER_PERSON: P. Oesch NER_PERSON: R. Bouwens NER_PERSON: George NER_PERSON: Stephen Hawking NER_PERSON: Isaac Newton NER_PERSON: D. Magee NER_PERSON: Annie NER_PERSON: G. Illingworth NER_PERSON: Stephen NER_PERSON: Dennis Stanton Avery
Using Regular Expressions
The org.apache.tika.parser.ner.regex.RegexNERecogniser provides an implementation based on Regular expressions. The following steps are required to use this implementation:
- Configure regular expressions in 'org/apache/tika/parser/ner/regex/ner-regex.txt'
Set System property ner.impl.class to org.apache.tika.parser.ner.regex.RegexNERecogniser
Tika + RegexNER in action
# Create a regex file and add it to classpath export NER_RES=$HOME/tika/tika-ner-resources mkdir -p $NER_RES cd $NER_RES mkdir -p org/apache/tika/parser/ner/regex/ echo "PHONE_NUMBER=((\+\d{1,2}\s?)?\(?\d{3}\)?[\s.-]?\d{3}[\s.-]?\d{4})" > org/apache/tika/parser/ner/regex/ner-regex.txt echo "EMAIL=([a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?))" >> org/apache/tika/parser/ner/regex/ner-regex.txt export TIKA_APP={your/path/to/tika-app}/target/tika-app-1.12-SNAPSHOT.jar java -Dner.impl.class=org.apache.tika.parser.ner.regex.RegexNERecogniser \ -classpath $NER_RES:$TIKA_APP org.apache.tika.cli.TikaCLI \ --config=tika-config.xml -m # Observe values of keys NER_PHONE_NUMBER and NER_EMAIL
Creating a custom NER
Create a class and implement org.apache.tika.parser.ner.NERecogniser
Set class name as value to system property ner.impl.class similar to Regex or CoreNLP
Chaining all the above at once
Multiple class names can be provided by setting the system property ner.impl.class to a comma separtes class names
Example : -Dner.impl.class = org.apache.tika.parser.ner.opennlp.OpenNLPNERecogniser,org.apache.tika.parser.ner.regex.RegexNERecogniser