Versions Compared


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  1. Check out the release branch with:

    Code Block
    git clone <hive_src_dir>
    cd <hive_src_dir>
    git checkout branch-X.Y

  2. Increment the version property value in all pom.xml files and add the SNAPSHOT suffix. For example, if the released version was 0.7.0, the new value should be 0.7.1-SNAPSHOT. Please note that the SNAPSHOT suffix is required in order to indicate that this is an unreleased development branch. Use Maven's Versions plugin to do this as follows:

    Code Block
    mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=0.7.1-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPoms=false

  3. If the release number you are preparing moves the major (first) or minor (second) number, update the Hive version name in the poms.  In both pom.xml and standalone-metastore/pom.xml search for the property hive.version.shortname.  This should match the new version number.  
    For example, if you are working on branch-3 and have just released Hive 3.2 and are preparing the branch for Hive 3.3 development, you need to update both poms to have <hive.version.shortname>3.3.0</hive.shortname.version>.  If however you are working on branch-3.1 and have just released Hive 3.1.2 and are preparing the branch for 3.1.3 development, this is not necessary.
  4. Verify that the build is working with changes.
  5. Commit these changes with a comment "Preparing for X.Y.Z+1 development".
