Versions Compared


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  • Contributor: Anyone who wants to participate in NuttX by contributing improvements.
  • Committer: A person who can commit improvements directly to the codebase.
  • PMC: Project Management Committee. (Currently, NuttX is a Podling of the Apache Incubator, so currently this is called the PPMC.)
  • Upstream: In this document, "upstream" refers to the NuttX project.
  • Downstream: In this document, "downstream" means anyone who packages, customizes, and/or uses NuttX in their own projects.

Where is The Code?

Sources of NuttX Code

NuttX source code is available in two forms:

  • As a clone or fork from a NuttX GIT repository, or
  • As a versioned, release in the form of a GZIP'ed tarball

The versioned, release tarballs contain no SCM information.  They are intended for use with whatever SCM you select in your custom environment.  The versioned released are also available within the NuttX GIT repository clones or forks.  Older release used tags to idenfify releases.  For example, the tag nuttx-8.2 would identify the nuttx-8.2 release and a versioned branch could be created with the git command:

git checkout -b newbranch v1.0

REVISIT: We do not yet know the form of releases for future Apache releases.  These will most likely already be on a branch.

NuttX GIT Repositories

The Apache NuttX This project uses Git SCM as its version control system.


Released Code Tarballs

REVISIT:  We do not know the form or location of future Apache NuttX releases.

TODO: This section makes no mention of the buildroot, tools, and uclibc repositories!

Creating and Submitting Improvements

How you submit a release will depend upon what kind of local environment that you have created to management your NuttX-based development:

  • If you are using a versioned NuttX release with no SCM information, you will probably need to send patches.
  • If you are using a clone or fork of the GIT repositories, then you might want to send Pull Requests (PRs) to submit changes, but
  • If you are using a versioned release branch in the GIT repositories, then you will have to do things a little differently.

By GitHub Pull Request (PR)
