Apache Kylin : Analytical Data Warehouse for Big Data

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This page mainly provides some new configuration items of kylin 4.0, rather than complete configuration documents.

More configuration items can be viewed: http://kylin.apache.org/docs/install/configuration.html.

Build EngineBuild Engine ConfigurationConfiguration entry for build engine related behavior in kylin.properties.
Query EngineQuery Engine ConfigurationConfiguration entry for query engine related behavior in kylin.properties.
Job EngineJob Engine ConfigurationConfiguration entry for job engine related behavior in kylin.properties.
MetastoreTo be updated
Rest PartTo be updated
Hadoop ConfigurationTo be updatedFor Spark/Hive
Misc PartTo be updated

Some configuration not appeared in kylin.properties, included :

  1. applicationContext.xml
  2. kylin-metrics.xml
  3. kylin.security.xml
  4. setenv.sh 
  5. etc.
Logging ConfigurationLogger ConfigurationTo be updatedFor log4j.properties