Apache Kylin : Analytical Data Warehouse for Big Data

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spark-executor-log4j.properties is used to configure the output path, appender, layout, etc. of spark executor log in the build job. Similar to spark driver log, spark executor log of one step of a build job will be output to a folder in hdfs. Each file in this folder corresponds to an executor log. The path is ${kylin.env.hdfs-working-dir}/{kylin.metadata.url}/${project_name}/spark_logs/executor/yyyy-mm-dd/${job_id}/${step_id}/executor-x.log



When the spark job submitted by kylin is submitted to the yarn cluster for execution,  the user who uploads the spark executor log to HDFS may be yarn. At this time, the user of yarn may not have write permission to the hdfs directory ${kylin.env.hdfs-working-dir}/${kylin.metadata.url}/${project _ name}/spark_logs, which leads to the failure of uploading spark executor log. At this time, when viewing the task log with "yarn logs -applicationId <Application ID>",  you will see the following error:
