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  1. Client buffer data and stream load;

  2. Client uses insert statement to write data. Doris cluster provides a buffer client, which buffers data and stream load, and this is transparent to users;

  3. Client uses insert statement to write data. Considering the implementation, Be can be the buffer client;

The data visibility of insert statement in this new batch mode and the previous is different:

  1. Normal mode: The data is visible when the writing is successful.

  2. Batch mode: The data is not visible until server commitsbuffer enough and commit.

Related Research

Detailed Design

PrinciplesWe want to implement the 3 principles:

  1. Guarantee once data is accepted, it is eventually imported successfully.
    • WAL(Write Ahead Log);

       2. Data import is not duplicated


    • Each table uses a fixed Be to buffer data, split data to groups, and commit by the write order;

Image RemovedThe basic login is as the following picture:
Image Added

  1. Add a auto_batch_load='true'/'false' property for table. If true, it means some inserts will use this feature.
  2. For every table


  1. enables "auto_batch_load",Fe maintains a fixed Be for


  1. buffering data, called "Load Be". Since the Load Be of each table is fixed, it guarantees the commit order is the same order as data written order


  1. .

The details of Insert:

  1. Fe receives the insert statement, if it meets the 'auto_batch_load' conditions, skip generate execution plan fragment and send rows data to Load Be.
  2. Load Be receives the rows data, and if it is the first insert(last transcation is null or committed), open a WAL and request begin transaction to Fe with a unique label; Fe will create a transaction and create a corresponding StreamLoadPip (The Load Be is the Coordinator Be at the same time).
  3. Load Be writes WAL;
  4. Load Be writes rows to stream load pip;

The details of Auto Commit:

  1. There is a background thread which will check if the commit conditions are satisfied and request commit to fe. Commit conditions include the following:

    • The number of rows;
    • Data size of rows;

    • The duration from transaction began to the presentnow;

Load Be is restarted and recovery WAL:

  1. Scan WAL directory, recovery WAL one by one according to the WAL id;
  2. For each WAL, use a unique label. If it's already committed before Be is down, the newly committed commit will be rejected by Fe. This guarantees that data is not duplicated.

Review Now, let's review the previous 3 principles:

  1. Guarantee once data is accepted, it is eventually imported successfully.
    • Since in the current design of , WAL is a single copyreplica, there is a risk of data loss

    • Compatibility with Schema Change:

      1. For each insert, we first begin a transaction. This will block schema change and ensure the import is successful;.

      2. When Load Be is restarted and schema changed, the data in WAL maybe can not loaded (maybe consider SchemaHash to solve it).

  2. Data import is not duplicatedduplicated  (YES)
  3. Commit order is the same as user write order
    • The commit order can not be guaranteed if Load Be1 is down and can not started, the newly started Load Be2 may commit first, and then Load Be1 starts the recovery WAL. In this case, the version of the old data is newer. (consider seq_id and or some other solutions).

    • The order between conditional deletion and auto_batch_load is not guaranteed. (maybe conditional deletion statements can also be done handled in auto_batch_load mode);

    • Currently, only insert statements that contain all columns are supported, and consider supporting insert that does not contain all columns;


  1. What scenario to use it?
    • Currently, we use it in log writing scene

  2. Why not use "begin... insert... commit"
    • From the user's view, the "begin... insert... commit" syntax ensures the atomicity of multi rows. Many use cases do not require such capabilities, and can use insert directly.

    • "begin... insert... commit" requires the user to control the commits, and also associates with a transaction and RowSet, commits can not too frequently;autofrequently; auto_batch_load can commit data from multi clients.

    • Data may be lost if users don't commit when "begin... insert... commit"; auto_batch_load pre-write WAL to ensure that the data can be eventually loaded.

  3. The performance impact of too much rpc
    • Many KV systems are used in this way, and rpc has little

  4. effect;
    • impact

    • In our tests, Fe can parse and redirect 20,000 + SQL per second. At the same time, Fe is scalable.


specific implementation steps and approximate scheduling.