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As the controller sends records to Raft, it will optimistically apply the record to its in-memory state. The record is not considered durable (i.e., "committed") until the high watermark of the Raft log increases beyond the offset of the record. Once a record is durable, it is made visible outside the controller to external clients. Since we are defining transactions that may span across Raft commits, we must extend our criteria for visibility to include whole transactions. When the controller sees that a partial transaction has been committed, it must not expose the records until the entire transaction is committed. This is how the controller will provide atomicity for a transaction.

For the broker, we must also prevent partial and aborted transactions from becoming visible to broker components. During normal operation, the records fetched by the brokers will include everything up to the Raft high watermark. This will include partial transactions. The broker must buffer these records and not make them visible to its internal components. This buffering can be achieved using the existing metadata infrastructure on the broker. That is, we will apply records to MetadataDelta, but not publish a new MetadataImage until an EndMarker or AbortMarker is seen. 

The metadata shell must also avoid showing partially committed metadata transactions.

Controller Failover

Another aspect of atomicity for transactions is dealing with controller failover. If a transaction has not been completed when a controller crashes, there will be a partial transaction committed to the log. The remaining records for this partial transaction are forever lost, and so we must abort the entire transaction. This will be done by the newly elected controller inserting an AbortMarker.


There will be control records in the Raft log after this partial transaction (e.g., records pertaining to Raft election), but these are not exposed to the controller directly. To abort this transaction, the controller would write a AbortMarkerRecord to the log and revert its in-memory state.

Broker Support

The records fetched by the brokers will include everything up to the Raft high watermark. This will include partial transactions. The broker must buffer these records and not make them visible to its internal components. Buffering will be done using existing metadata infrastructure on the broker. I.e., we will continue applying records to MetadataDelta, but will not publish a new MetadataImage until an EndMarker or AbortMarker is seen. 


Since snapshots are already atomic as a whole, there are no need for transaction records. On both the broker and controller, we generate snapshots based on in-memory state using arbitrary batch sizes. This design does not call for any special in-memory treatment of metadata transactions – they are simply a mechanism of atomicity to use within the log itself. Records applied to memory will not know if they came from a non-atomic batch, atomic batch, or transaction. Snapshot generation is unchanged by this KIP.
