Versions Compared


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Figure 1: Proposer 1 finishes phase 1, and it has two values to propose: A and B. It proposes A and B for instances 27 and 28, respectively. Proposer 1, however, fails before it can get both acceptors 1 and 2 to accept A and B, and only acceptor 1 accepts A and B.

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Figure 2: Proposer 2 finishes phase 1, and it has one value to propose: C. It proposes C for instance 27. Proposer 2 makes acceptors 2 and 3 accept C and crashes. Value C consequently is anchored (using the terminology of Lampson) for instance 27.

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Figure 3: Proposer 3 finishes phase 1, and it has one value to propose: D. Given the values in messages 1b, it proposes C, B, and D for instances 27, 28, and 29 respectively. Proposer 3 makes acceptors 1 and 3 accept C, B, and D. These three values are anchored for instances 27, 28, and 29, respectively.

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