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This topic describes the overall portlets layout and features that you can utilize within the Administration Console.

If you prefer a command line interface, look into see Tools and commands for command line usage.


The Geronimo Administration Console is a Web based interface that provides a convenient, user-friendly way to administer many aspects of the Geronimo server. Once After you have the Apache Geronimo server started (see Starting and stopping the server), you can access the Administration Console by pointing navigating your browser to the following URL:


The Administration Console log in login page is depicted in the following figure.


Log in by specifying system as the username and manager as the password. Once After you are logged in, you will be redirected to the console's welcome page. The console has two main areas, a navigation panel on the left and a main content area on the right.

The navigation panel on the left provides easy access to the individual tasks, it . It is always present and allows easy transition from task to task. The main content area on the right is where the real work happens, this . This area will change as you select the different tasks in the navigation panel on the left. Each view contains one or more portlets that typically include a link for help in the header, see . See the following figure as an example.


  • The basic mode is the default configuration mode for the navigation panel, displaying the most frequently used functions, including:


The Search bar provides convenient searching capabilities for finding portlets on the navigation panel. Type in the search field and press enter to launch the portlet neededthat you need.

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This is the welcome page that you see when you log in. It provides a general description of what the Geronimo Administration Console is and some shortcut links to common tasks such as:


Organized under the Application Server group, you will find statistical information as well as and support for configuring and administering the server. This group is organized as follows:


This portlet lists all the thread pools defined in the server. It shows You can see the pool size and allows you to monitor individually each of the listed thread pools with this portlet. By monitoring these threads, you can gather statistical information such as pool max, lowest recorded, highest recorded, and threads in use.

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  • Web Server Manager ? not sure
    When this portlet is enabled, it will collect server performance statistics. The values being measured are:
    • Total Requests
    • Total 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx Responses
    • Active Request Count (Current, Low, High)
    • Request Duration
  • Network Listeners
    This portlet displays all the connector listeners (HTTP, HTTPS and AJP) and status for both Jetty and Tomcat Web containers. From this portlet, you can add new listeners and change the status (stop, restart, edit, delete) of the existing connectors.


Clicking Shutdown will shutdown the server and cause the JVM to exit. To continue using the Geronimo Console after a shutdown, you must restart Geronimo must be restarted.

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  • JMS Network Listeners
    This portlet displays all the network connectors configured for the currently available JMS Brokers. From this portlet, you can also start, stop, edit, add, and delete JMS network connectors. Some connectors available to be added to ActiveMQ are tcp, stomp, vm, udp and multicast listeners.


This portlet allows you to deploy new applications to the Apache Geronimo server. Web applications require deployment plans, which are either packaged with within the war file or kept in a separate file which is typically called geronimo-web.xml. See Deploying applications Via Geronimo Administration Console for more information on using the Deployer function.
