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The fastest way to run the web application is to use the Maven Jetty plugin:

No Format
mvn jetty:run

The sample servlet 'RootDseServlet' is available at the following URL:

No Format



A standard web archive (war-File) is needed in order to deploy the application to a servlet container. The Resources area at the end of this page provides a zip-File which contains the file structure. A build script for Apache Ant is included as well.

Directory layout for the sources, war file layout

The build script assumes that you have ApacheDS 1.5.5 and Tomcat 6.0.18 installed locally; it uses and (in the case of ApacheDS) copies the necessary files from their lib directories to the lib directory of the web application. You will likely want to adjust the installation directories defined in the build.xml file.

Note: Within the build script, Tomcat is only used for compilation. To be more concrete, only the servlet-api.jar is needed. Other options to provide this library at build time are imaginable, especially if you plan to deploy ApacheDS on a Web Application Server other than Tomcat.

After building the project, the classes folder will contain the compiled class files of the two Java classes above, and a properties file to configure the logging framework log4j. The lib folder will contain all jar-Files necessary, these are

  • antlr-2.7.7.jar
  • apacheds-bootstrap-extract-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-bootstrap-partition-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-core-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-core-avl-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-core-cursor-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-core-entry-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-core-jndi-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-core-shared-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-jdbm-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-jdbm-store-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-protocol-ldap-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-protocol-shared-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-schema-bootstrap-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-schema-registries-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-utils-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-xdbm-base-1.5.4.jar
  • apacheds-xdbm-search-1.5.4.jar
  • commons-collections-3.2.jar
  • commons-lang-2.3.jar
  • log4j-1.2.14.jar
  • mina-core-1.1.6.jar
  • mina-filter-ssl-1.1.6.jar
  • shared-asn1-0.9.12.jar
  • shared-asn1-codec-0.9.12.jar
  • shared-bouncycastle-reduced-0.9.12.jar
  • shared-ldap-0.9.12.jar
  • shared-ldap-constants-0.9.12.jar
  • slf4j-api-1.4.3.jar
  • slf4j-log4j12-1.4.3.jar

The webapp target in the build.xml file (which is the default target) packs the files for the web application together in a web archive called ApacheDS.war.
