Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


We won’t attempt to argue against other styles here - to do so is pointless, as all styles have merit. This is simply the style we prefer, for our own reasons.

Rule of Thumb

When in doubt, follow the style around you. If you see that the code uses a 4-space indent and no tabs, then obviously you should not use tabs. If you see the code uses variables_named_like_this, then your code should not suddenly start namingThingsLikeThis.

That said, these style guidelines are intended to be adopted going forward. We develop according to these guidelines, but definitely may not have done so in the ancient past.

General Style

  1. Use 4-space indents and no tabs.
  2. Comment everything semantically and liberally, use blank lines to separate logical blocks. Yes, HTML should be commented, too.
  3. Wrap lines to 80 columns when doing so does not decrease readability.

Comments and Documentation

  1. All functions, all parameters, all return values, all structures, and all members must be documented with JavaDoc/Doxygen, wrapping lines as necessary to fit the 80 column maximum:

      * High-level function description. Implementation details if
      * appropriate (it's usually not).
      * @param var1
      *     Description of what var1 is.
      * @param var2
      *     Description of what var2 is, though this description is
      *     particularly long to demonstrate how lines should be wrapped and
      *     indented.
      * @return
      *     Description of return value.
      int fun(int var1, int var2);
  2. Do not use the @author tag (or similar). The authors of various parts of the codebase should be tracked by git, not by the code itself.
  3. There must be no undocumented behavior of functions.
  4. If changes you are making will make parts of the existing manual incorrect, you are not expected to update the manual yourself, but please let us know so we correct it.
  5. For C code, local functions should be static and documented locally. Functions, types, etc. which are not local should be declared in an appropriate header file, and documented within the header file.


  1. Avoid braces when unnecessary (single statement if’s, for example) unless it significantly increases readability. There is no hard rule here - use your own best judgment.
  2. Do not cuddle the else, etc.

     /* Do this */
     if (thing) {
     else {
     /* Not this */
     if (thing) {
     } else {

    The only exception here is do/while:

     do {
     } while (thing);


  1. Variables, functions, and datatypes in C should use the standard C convention of words_separated_by_underscores. Functions must have an appropriate namespace.
  2. Variables and functions in Java and JavaScript should use headlessCamelCase. Classes in Java and JavaScript should use CamelCase.
  3. Constants and enums (or variables which are intended to be constant) in all languages should use UPPERCASE_WORDS_SEPARATED_BY_UNDERSCORES.
  4. Prefer 'single quotes' over "double quotes" for strings in JavaScript.

Error Handling

  1. Exceptions within Java and return types of function calls in C which can fail may not be ignored, unless the failure (A) has no effect on the running of the program and (B) would not be useful even if logged at the debug level.
  2. If an exception should be logged, log it at an appropriate log level. Additionally, log the exception itself at the debug level such that a stack trace is included when debug-level logging is enabled. Do not pollute non-debug log levels with stack traces!
