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Comment: workaround for NFS and added 2 steps deployment


  1. Download from Apache git repository. Follow instructions here. Checkout branch S4-22
  2. Compile and install S4 in the local maven repository: (you can also let the tests run, which is currently quite long: we're not yet using mocks)
    Code Block
    S4:incubator-s4$ ./gradlew install -DskipTests
    .... verbose logs ...
  3. Build the startup scripts: 
    Code Block
    S4:incubator-s4$ ./gradlew s4-tools:installApp
    .... verbose logs 

(warning) If you work with NFS, the ./s4 deploy command currently may not work properly (depending on the file locking settings of your cluster). It is still possible to build applications, deploy them (as s4r, see in a further section) and run them, but you may have to tell the build tool (gradle) to use the local file system for caches and repositories, by adding appending the following to the options when using gradle commands:

Code Block
-g /<local-dir>/.gradle/ --project-cache-dir /<local-dir>/s4


  1. Start a Zookeeper server instance (log4j warnings come from Zookeeper and can be ignored here):
    Code Block
     S4:incubator-s4$ ./s4 zkServer 
    S4:myApp$ calling referenced s4 script : /Users/S4/tmp/s4-22/incubator-s4/s4
    [main] INFO - Starting zookeeper server on port [2181]
    [main] INFO - cleaning existing data in [/var/folders/8V/8VdgKWU3HCiy2yV4dzFpDk+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp/zookeeper/data] and [/var/folders/8V/8VdgKWU3HCiy2yV4dzFpDk+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp/zookeeper/log]
    log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkServer).
    log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
  2. Define a new cluster. Say a cluster named "cluster1" with 2 partitions, nodes listening to ports starting from 12000:
    Code Block
    S4:myApp$ ./s4 newCluster -c=cluster1 -nbTasks=2 -flp=12000
    calling referenced s4 script : /Users/S4/tmp/s4-22/incubator-s4/s4
    [main] INFO - preparing new cluster [cluster1] with [2] node(s)
    [main] INFO - New cluster configuration uploaded into zookeeper
  3. Start 2 S4 nodes with the default configuration, and attach them to cluster "cluster1":
    Code Block
    S4:myApp$ ./s4 node -c=cluster1
    calling referenced s4 script : /Users/S4/tmp/s4-22/incubator-s4/s4
    15:50:18.996 [main] INFO  org.apache.s4.core.Main - Initializing S4 node with : 
    - comm module class [org.apache.s4.comm.DefaultCommModule]
    - comm configuration file [ from classpath]
    - core module class [org.apache.s4.core.DefaultCoreModule]
    - core configuration file[ from classpath]
    -extra modules: []
    [main] INFO  org.apache.s4.core.Main - Starting S4 node. This node will automatically download applications published for the cluster it belongs to
  4. Build, package and publish the app to cluster1:
    1. You may do that in a single step (currently, you must use the name of the current project, and you need to specify the gradle build file with a complete path}:
      Code Block
      S4:myApp$ ./s4 deploy -appName=myApp -c=cluster1 -b=`pwd`/build.gradle
      .... verbose logs for compiling, building the package, and publishing it to Zookeeper...
      15:46:16.486 [main] INFO - uploaded application [myApp] to cluster [cluster1], using zookeeper znode [/s4/clusters/cluster1/apps/myApp]
    2. You may also do that in 2 separate steps:
      1. Create an s4r archive:
        Code Block
        ./gradlew s4r
      2. Publish the s4r archive (you may first copy it to a more adequate place):
        Code Block
        ./s4 deploy -s4r=`pwd`/build/libs/myApp.s4r -c=c1 -appName=myApp
  5. S4 nodes will detect the new application, download it, load it and start it. You will get something like:
    Code Block
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s.d.DistributedDeploymentManager - Detected new application(s) to deploy {}[myApp]
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  org.apache.s4.core.Server - Local app deployment: using s4r file name [myApp] as application name
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  org.apache.s4.core.Server - App class name is: hello.HelloApp
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClusterFromZK - Changing cluster topology to { nbNodes=0,name=unknown,mode=unicast,type=,nodes=[]} from null
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClusterFromZK - Adding topology change listener:org.apache.s4.comm.tcp.TCPEmitter@79b2591c
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s.comm.topology.AssignmentFromZK - New session:87684175268872203; state is : SyncConnected
    [ZkClient-EventThread-19-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClusterFromZK - Changing cluster topology to { nbNodes=1,name=cluster1,mode=unicast,type=,nodes=[{partition=0,port=12000,machineName=myMachine.myNetwork,taskId=Task-0}]} from { nbNodes=0,name=unknown,mode=unicast,type=,nodes=[]}
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s.comm.topology.AssignmentFromZK - Successfully acquired task:Task-1 by myMachine.myNetwork
    [ZkClient-EventThread-19-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClusterFromZK - Changing cluster topology to { nbNodes=2,name=cluster1,mode=unicast,type=,nodes=[{partition=0,port=12000,machineName=myMachine.myNetwork,taskId=Task-0}, {partition=1,port=12001,machineName=myMachine.myNetwork,taskId=Task-1}]} from { nbNodes=1,name=cluster1,mode=unicast,type=,nodes=[{partition=0,port=12000,machineName=myMachine.myNetwork,taskId=Task-0}]}
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClustersFromZK - New session:87684175268872205
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClustersFromZK - Detected new stream [names]
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClustersFromZK - New session:87684175268872206
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClusterFromZK - Changing cluster topology to { nbNodes=2,name=cluster1,mode=unicast,type=,nodes=[{partition=0,port=12000,machineName=myMachine.myNetwork,taskId=Task-0}, {partition=1,port=12001,machineName=myMachine.myNetwork,taskId=Task-1}]} from null
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  org.apache.s4.core.Server - Loaded application from file /tmp/deploy-test/cluster1/myApp.s4r
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s.d.DistributedDeploymentManager - Successfully installed application myApp
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] DEBUG o.a.s.c.g.OverloadDispatcherGenerator - Dumping generated overload dispatcher class for PE of class [class hello.HelloPE]
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] DEBUG o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClustersFromZK - Adding input stream [names] for app [-1] in cluster [cluster1]
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  org.apache.s4.core.App - Init prototype [hello.HelloPE].


  1. Start a Zookeeper instance. From the S4 base directory, do:
    Code Block
    ./s4 zkServer
  2. Define 2 clusters : 1 for deploying the twitter-counter app, and 1 for the adapter app
    Code Block
    ./s4 newCluster -c=cluster1 -nbTasks=2 -flp=12000; ./s4 newCluster -c=cluster2 -nbTasks=1 -flp=13000
  3. Start 2 app nodes:
    Code Block
    ./s4 node -c=cluster1
  4. Start 1 node for the adapter app:
    Code Block
    ./s4 node -c=cluster2
  5. Deploy twitter-counter app (you may also first build the s4r then publish it, as described in the previous section)
    Code Block
    ./s4 deploy -appName=twitter-counter -c=cluster1 -b=`pwd`/test-apps/twitter-counter/build.gradle
  6. Deploy twitter-adapter app. In this example, we don't directly specify the app class of the adapter, we use the deployment approach for apps (remember, the adapter is also an app).
    Code Block
    ./s4 deploy -appName=twitter-adapter -c=cluster2 -b=`pwd`/test-apps/twitter-adapter/build.gradle
  7. Observe the current 10 most popular topics in file TopNTopics.txt:
    Code Block
    tail -f TopNTopics.txt
