Versions Compared


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  1. Start a Zookeeper server instance:
    Code Block
     S4:incubator-s4$ ./s4 zkServer
    S4:myApp$ calling referenced s4 script : /Users/S4/tmp/s4-22/incubator-s4/s4
    [main] INFO - Starting zookeeper server on port [2181]
    [main] INFO - cleaning existing data in [/var/folders/8V/8VdgKWU3HCiy2yV4dzFpDk+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp/zookeeper/data] and [/var/folders/8V/8VdgKWU3HCiy2yV4dzFpDk+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp/zookeeper/log]
  2. Define a new cluster. Say a cluster named "cluster1" with 2 partitions, nodes listening to ports starting from 12000:
    Code Block
    S4:myApp$ ./s4 newCluster -c=cluster1 -nbTasks=2 -flp=12000
    calling referenced s4 script : /Users/S4/tmp/s4-22/incubator-s4/s4
    [main] INFO - preparing new cluster [cluster1] with [2] node(s)
    [main] INFO - New cluster configuration uploaded into zookeeper
  3. Start 2 S4 nodes with the default configuration, and attach them to cluster "cluster1" (you may start the other S4 node in a different console) :
    Code Block
    S4:myApp$ ./s4 node -c=cluster1
    calling referenced s4 script : /Users/S4/tmp/s4-22/incubator-s4/s4
    15:50:18.996 [main] INFO  org.apache.s4.core.Main - Initializing S4 node with :
    - comm module class [org.apache.s4.comm.DefaultCommModule]
    - comm configuration file [ from classpath]
    - core module class [org.apache.s4.core.DefaultCoreModule]
    - core configuration file[ from classpath]
    -extra modules: []
    [main] INFO  org.apache.s4.core.Main - Starting S4 node. This node will automatically download applications published for the cluster it belongs to
    and again (maybe in another shell):
    Code Block
     S4:myApp$ ./s4 node -c=cluster1
  4. Build, package and publish the app to cluster1:
    1. You may do that in a single step (currently, you must use the name of the current project, and you need to specify the gradle build file with a complete path).
      Note that specifying the app class is optional but avoids issues when the scripts tries to guess automatically the app class:
      Code Block
      S4:myApp$ ./s4 deploy -appName=myApp -c=cluster1 -b=`pwd`/build.gradle -a=hello.HelloApp
      .... verbose logs for compiling, building the package, and publishing it to Zookeeper...
      15:46:16.486 [main] INFO - uploaded application [myApp] to cluster [cluster1], using zookeeper znode [/s4/clusters/cluster1/apps/myApp]
    2. You may also do that in 2 separate steps:
      1. Create an s4r archive. The following creates an archive named myApp.s4r (here you may specify an arbitrary name) in build/libs.
        Again specifying the app class is optional :
        Code Block
        ./s4 s4r -a=hello.HelloApp -b=`pwd`/build.gradle myApp
      2. Publish the s4r archive (you may first copy it to a more adequate place). The name of the app is arbitrary:
        Code Block
        ./s4 deploy -s4r=`pwd`/build/libs/myApp.s4r -c=cluster1 -appName=myApp
  5. S4 nodes will detect the new application, download it, load it and start it. You will get something like:
    Code Block
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s.d.DistributedDeploymentManager - Detected new application(s) to deploy {}[myApp]
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  org.apache.s4.core.Server - Local app deployment: using s4r file name [myApp] as application name
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  org.apache.s4.core.Server - App class name is: hello.HelloApp
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClusterFromZK - Changing cluster topology to { nbNodes=0,name=unknown,mode=unicast,type=,nodes=[]} from null
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClusterFromZK - Adding topology change listener:org.apache.s4.comm.tcp.TCPEmitter@79b2591c
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s.comm.topology.AssignmentFromZK - New session:87684175268872203; state is : SyncConnected
    [ZkClient-EventThread-19-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClusterFromZK - Changing cluster topology to { nbNodes=1,name=cluster1,mode=unicast,type=,nodes=[{partition=0,port=12000,machineName=myMachine.myNetwork,taskId=Task-0}]} from { nbNodes=0,name=unknown,mode=unicast,type=,nodes=[]}
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s.comm.topology.AssignmentFromZK - Successfully acquired task:Task-1 by myMachine.myNetwork
    [ZkClient-EventThread-19-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClusterFromZK - Changing cluster topology to { nbNodes=2,name=cluster1,mode=unicast,type=,nodes=[{partition=0,port=12000,machineName=myMachine.myNetwork,taskId=Task-0}, {partition=1,port=12001,machineName=myMachine.myNetwork,taskId=Task-1}]} from { nbNodes=1,name=cluster1,mode=unicast,type=,nodes=[{partition=0,port=12000,machineName=myMachine.myNetwork,taskId=Task-0}]}
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClustersFromZK - New session:87684175268872205
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClustersFromZK - Detected new stream [names]
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClustersFromZK - New session:87684175268872206
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClusterFromZK - Changing cluster topology to { nbNodes=2,name=cluster1,mode=unicast,type=,nodes=[{partition=0,port=12000,machineName=myMachine.myNetwork,taskId=Task-0}, {partition=1,port=12001,machineName=myMachine.myNetwork,taskId=Task-1}]} from null
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  org.apache.s4.core.Server - Loaded application from file /tmp/deploy-test/cluster1/myApp.s4r
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  o.a.s.d.DistributedDeploymentManager - Successfully installed application myApp
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] DEBUG o.a.s.c.g.OverloadDispatcherGenerator - Dumping generated overload dispatcher class for PE of class [class hello.HelloPE]
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] DEBUG o.a.s4.comm.topology.ClustersFromZK - Adding input stream [names] for app [-1] in cluster [cluster1]
    [ZkClient-EventThread-15-localhost:2181] INFO  org.apache.s4.core.App - Init prototype [hello.HelloPE].
