Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Encrypt the value of sensitive settings properties in the file;
  2. Encrypt the value of sensitive properties in the config.yml flow definition file;
  3. Encrypt the entire contents of the config.yml file as a whole.

Some of this encryption happens automatically, some can be enabled manually, and some are done manually (see below for the details). Automatic encryption is done by MiNiFi as it runs, and manual encryption is done using the encrypt-config tool (encrypt-config.exe on Windows) which can be found in the bin directory of the installation, next to the main minifi (minifi.exe) binary.

In all three cases, the security of the encryption depends on the security of the bootstrap.conf file, which contains the encryption key. Make sure that only authorized users are able to read this file.


  • minifi home: the directory which contains MiNiFi configuration files (in the conf subdirectory), as well as the logs and other files used by MiNiFi
  • configuration directory: the directory <minifi home>/conf
  • properties file: the file <minifi home>/conf/
  • flow configuration: the file specified in the properties file with the key nifi.flow.configuration.file, or if not specified it defaults to <minifi home>/conf/config.yml
  • bootstrap file: the file <minifi home>/conf/bootstrap.conf
  • sensitive value: all values in the properties file and the flow configuration file that we wish to encrypt

1. Encrypt sensitive values in

The sensitive values of sensitive settings in the properties file can be encrypted manually, using the encrypt-config tool.

If For example, if you have a file in your MiNiFi configuration directory /var/tmpopt/minifi-home/conf containing the following sensitive properties:


Code Block
$ ./bin/encrypt-config --minifi-home /var/tmpopt/minifi-home minifi-properties

Generating a new encryption key...
Wrote the new encryption key to /var/tmpopt/minifi-home/conf/bootstrap.conf
Encrypted property:
Encrypted property:
Encrypted 2 sensitive properties in /var/tmpopt/minifi-home/conf/


  1. Generate a new encryption key
  2. Create a bootstrap.conf file in your configuration directory, and write the encryption key to this file
  3. Encrypt the sensitive properties values using this encryption key
  4. Add a something<property_name>.protected encryption marker after each encrypted property.


Code Block




Additional sensitive properties

By default, encrypt-config will encrypt a (short) list of default sensitive properties.  If you want more properties to be encrypted, you can add a nifi.sensitive.props.additional.keys setting with a comma-separated list of additional sensitive properties to your file like this:


before running the encrypt-config tool.  The tool will then encrypt these additional properties, as well.  You can also do this after you have already encrypted some properties; the tool will encrypt the additional properties using the existing encryption key, and it will leave the other, already encrypted, sensitive properties alone.

Modifying sensitive properties

If you later need to modify the value of a sensitive property which was encrypted earlier, you need to:


The tool will then encrypt the modified property value using the existing encryption key in bootstrap.conf, and it will leave the other, already encrypted, sensitive properties alone.

Encrypting the flow configuration

Pass the flag --encrypt-flow-config to encrypt-config so that it also encrypts the flow configuration file, not just the sensitive properties.

Updating the encryption key

If you want to change the encryption key, you can do so in the following way:

2. Encrypt sensitive values in config.yml

The sensitive properties of processors and controller services in the flow definition file config.yml are encrypted by MiNiFi automatically. For example, if the flow configuration comes from a C2 server, MiNiFi will encrypt the sensitive property values before saving them to the config.yml file. If you write or modify the config.yml file by hand, you have two options:

  • Write the sensitive values unencrypted into the file, then (re)start MiNiFi. MiNiFi will read the new values, encrypt them, and write the encrypted values back to the file.
  • If you want avoid having the sensitive values unencrypted on disk even for a short time, you can use the encrypt-config tool to write these values directly to config.yml in encrypted form.

To do the latter, you have two options: either run

Code Block
$ ./bin/encrypt-config --minifi-home /opt/minifi-home flow-config

which will read the flow configuration file, find the sensitive properties, and prompt you to either enter a new value for the sensitive property, or press Enter to keep its value unchanged.

Or, if you know the unique ID of the component (processor of controller service) and the name of the sensitive property, or if you are running encrypt-config from a script, you can set or update a single sensitive property like this:

Code Block
$ ./bin/encrypt-config --minifi-home /opt/minifi-home flow-config --component-id <COMPONENT_ID> --property-name <PROPERTY_NAME> --property-value <NEW_VALUE>

In all cases, either MiNiFi or encrypt-config will create a new encryption key if one doesn't exist already, and store it in the bootstrap.conf file:

Code Block

Note that the name of the key is different from the key used to encrypt

3. Encrypt the config.yml file as a whole

If you want to encrypt more than just the properties considered sensitive by MiNiFi in the config.yml file, you can encrypt the file as a whole in addition to the encryption of the sensitive properties which happens automatically. You have two options:

  • Set nifi.flow.configuration.encrypt=true in the file. When MiNiFi receives a new flow configuration from a C2 server, it will encrypt the configuration as a whole, and write it encrypted to config.yml.
  • Run

    Code Block
    $ ./bin/encrypt-config --minifi-home /opt/minifi-home whole-flow-config-file


In both cases, you can either add the nifi.bootstrap.sensitive.key setting to the bootstrap file manually, or a random key will be generated for you.

Updating the encryption key

If you have write access to the bootstrap.conf file, you can change the encryption key as follows:

For and whole-flow-config-file encryption

  1. Change the
  2. If the files are already encrypted, there should be a "nifi.bootstrap.sensitive.key=..." line in the bootstrap.conf file (i.e. have access to the original key), otherwise you have to manually replace all encrypted data (sensitive properties and flow configuration) with their original, unencrypted values (or some other new value)
  3. If present, rename the "nifi.bootstrap.sensitive.key=..." property line in bootstrap.conf to "nifi.bootstrap.sensitive.key.old=..." (i.e. add the ".old" suffix to the property name);
  4. If you have a specific encryption key you would like to use, add it to the bootstrap.conf file (add the line " nifi.bootstrap.sensitive.key=<your encryption key here>"). If you provide no encryption key (no nifi.bootstrap.sensitive.key property in bootstrap.conf, or no bootstrap.conf at all), a new key new encryption key, one will be randomly generated and written to bootstrap.conf.for you;
  5. Run Re-run the encrypt-config tool .for the type of encryption you need, or both;
  6. Finally, delete the nifi.bootstrap.sensitive.key.old line from the bootstrap file.

Example:Take special care when changing the encryption key and the flow configuration is encrypted, so that you also re-encrypt it before deleting the old key (you will get a warning if you do not request its re-encryption).

Code Block
$ cat /var/tmpopt/minifi-home/conf/bootstrap.conf


$ ./bin/encrypt-config --minifi-home /var/tmpopt/minifi-home
Old encryption key found in "/opt/minifi-home/conf/bootstrap.conf
Generating a new encryption key...
Wrote the existingnew encryption key found in nifi.bootstrap.sensitive.key to "/opt/minifi-home/conf/bootstrap.conf"
Successfully decrypted property "" using old key.
Encrypted property:
Encrypted 1 sensitive property in "/opt/minifi-home/conf/"
WARNING: you did not request the flow config to be updated, if it is currently encrypted and the old key is removed,an .old key was provided, which is used for both minifi-properties and whole-flow-config-file.
If both are currently encrypted, make sure to run ./bin/encrypt-config to re-encrypt both before removing the .old key,
otherwise you won't be able to recover the encrypted data!

$ ./bin/encrypt-config --minifi-home /opt/minifi-home whole-flow-config-file
Old encryption key found in "/opt/minifi-home/conf/bootstrap.conf"
Using the existing encryption key nifi.bootstrap.sensitive.key found in "/opt/minifi-home/conf/bootstrap.conf"
Encrypting flow configuration file: config.

If you forgot to specify the --encrypt-flow-config flag, you can re-run encrypt-config with the flag, and it will re-encrypt the flow configuration file, as well.

It is always safe to re-run encrypt-config; if it doesn't find anything new to encrypt, it will simply not do anything.


Trying to decrypt flow config file using the old key ...
Successfully encrypted flow configuration file: "/opt/minifi-home/conf/config.yml"
WARNING: an .old key was provided, which is used for both minifi-properties and whole-flow-config-file.
If both are currently encrypted, make sure to run ./bin/encrypt-config to re-encrypt both before removing the .old key,
otherwise you won't be able to recover the encrypted data!

$ cat /opt/minifi-home/conf/bootstrap.conf

Since both the sensitive values in and the whole config.yml file are encrypted using the same key, it is important to always run encrypt-config on both, if both encryptions are used. The encrypt-config tool reminds you of this in a warning message it prints.

For sensitive properties in config.yml

This encryption uses a different key from the other two, but the procedure is very similar:

  1. Change the line in bootstrap.conf to (i.e. add the ".old" suffix);
  2. If you have a specific encryption key you would like to use, add it to the bootstrap.conf file (add the line<your encryption key here>). If you provide no new encryption key, one will be randomly generated for you;
  3. Run the encrypt-config tool with the flow-config --re-encrypt arguments;
  4. Finally, delete the


  1. line from the bootstrap file.


Automatic encryption



Code Block
$ cat /opt/minifi-home/conf/bootstrap.conf

$ ./bin/encrypt-config --minifi-home /opt/minifi-home flow-config --re-encrypt
Old encryption key found in "/opt/minifi-home/conf/bootstrap.conf"
Generating a new encryption key...
Wrote the new encryption key to "/opt/minifi-home/conf/bootstrap.conf"
Encrypting flow configuration file: "/opt/minifi-home/conf/config.yml"
[2024-03-04 18:31:19.764] [org::apache::nifi::minifi::Properties] [info] Using configuration file to load configuration for MiNiFi configuration from conf/ (located at /opt/minifi-home/conf/
[2024-03-04 18:31:19.892] [org::apache::nifi::minifi::core::FlowConfiguration] [info] Result of updating the config file /opt/minifi-home/conf/config.yml: success

$ cat /opt/minifi-home/conf/bootstrap.conf