Versions Compared


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Comment: link to metastore docs (Getting Started, MetastoreAdmin); misc. edits



Using Derby in Server Mode

Table of Contents

Hive in embedded mode has a limitation of one active user at a time. You may want to run Derby as a Network Server, this way multiple users can access it simultaneously from different systems.

See Metadata Store and Embedded Metastore for more information.

Download Derby

It is suggested you download the version of Derby that ships with Hive. If you have already ran run Hive in embedded mode, the first line of derby.log contains the version.

My structure looks like this:


Code Block
cd /opt/hadoop
tar -xzf db-derby-
mkdir db-derby-




The variable to set has changed over the years. DERBY_HOME is now the proper name. I set this and the legacy name.


Code Block

Hive also likes to know where hadoop Hadoop is installed:


Code Block
export HADOOP


Likely you are going to want to run Derby when Hadoop starts up. An interesting place for this other then than as an lsb-init-script might be alongside Hadoop scripts like start-dfs. By default Derby will create databases in the directory it was started from.

Code Block
cd /opt/hadoop/db-derby-
nohup /opt/hadoop/db-derby- -h &


Configure Hive to


Use Network Derby

Edit /opt/hadoop/hive/conf/hive-site.xml as follows. Note that "hadoop1" should be replaced with the hostname or IP address where the Derby network server can be found.


Code Block
  <description>JDBC connect string for a JDBC metastore</description>

  <description>Driver class name for a JDBC metastore</description>


      Version: JPOX properties is are NOT used in hive Hive 5.0 or later.
      JPOX properties can be specified in hive-site.xml. Normally jpox property .properties changes are not required.


Now since there is a new client you MUST make sure hive Hive has these jar files in the lib directory or in the classpath. The same would be true if you used MySQL or some other DB.


If you receive the error "javax.jdo.JDOFatalInternalException: Error creating transactional connection factory" where the stack trace originates at "org.datanucleus.exceptions.ClassNotResolvedException: Class 'org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver' was not found in the CLASSPATH. Please check your specification and your CLASSPATH", you may benefit from putting the derby Derby jar files directly in the hadoop Hadoop lib directory:

Code Block
cp /opt/hadoop/db-derby- /opt/hadoop/hadoop-
cp /opt/hadoop/db-derby- /opt/hadoop/hadoop-


A directory should be created: /opt/hadoop/db-derby- .

The Result

Now you can run multiple hive Hive instances working on the same data simultaneously and remotely.