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Comment: links to CLI doc & Config doc; minor edits


Code Block
$ svn co hive

To build hiveHive, execute the following command on the base directory:


  • README.txt: readme file.
  • bin/: directory containing all the shell scripts
  • lib/: directory containing all required jar files)
  • conf/: directory with configuration files
  • examples/: directory with sample input and query files

Subdirectory build/dist should contain all the files necessary to run hiveHive. You can run it from there or copy it to a different location, if you prefer.

In order to run Hive, you must have hadoop Hadoop in your path or have defined the environment variable HADOOP_HOME with the hadoop Hadoop installation directory.

Moreover, we strongly advise users to create the HDFS directories /tmp and /user/hive/warehouse
(aka also known as hive.metastore.warehouse.dir) and set them chmod g+w before tables are created in Hive.

To use hive the Hive command line interface (cli) go to the hive Hive home directory (the one with the contents of build/dist) and execute the following command:


Metadata is stored in an embedded Derby database whose disk storage location is determined by the hive Hive configuration variable named javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL. By default, this location is ./metastore_db (see conf/hive-default.xml), this location is ./metastore_db

Using Derby in embedded mode allows at most one user at a time. To configure Derby to run in server mode, look at HiveDerbyServerModesee Hive Using Derby in Server Mode.

Next Step: Configuring Hive.

Installing HCatalog


HCatalog is installed with Hive, starting with Hive release 0.11.0.
