Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Ensure your local 'develop' branch is up-to-date
    Make sure that the path that the source is checked out to does not contain spaces.
  • Create a new remote 'release' branch
    Code Block
    git push -u origin develop:releaseX.Y.Z
  • Create a new directory, change to it and check out the develop branch.
    Code Block
    git clone .
  • Checkout the new release branch with:
    Code Block
    git checkout releaseX.Y.Z
  • Tag the release
    Code Block
    git tag -a apache-flex-sdk-X.Y.ZRC1 -m 'Apache Flex X.Y.Z RC1'
    git push --tags

You may also want to use the script:

Code Block X.Y.Z

Building the Release

  • Build the source and binary packages.
    Code Block
    cd build
    The packages can be found in the out subdirectory.

Every time you make a release candidate make sure that there have been no changes to the tagged set of files in particular config files.

This could indicate an issue:

Code Block

git status

# On branch release4.11.0
# Changes not staged for commit:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#	modified:   ide/flashbuilder/config/air-config.xml
#	modified:   ide/flashbuilder/config/airmobile-config.xml
  • Check the RAT log in rat.log to make sure no binaries or unlicensed files where inadvertently introduced into the source kit.
  • Other ant targets you may want to become familiar with are source-release, source-package, binary-release, binary-package and rat-check. These are useful if you modify the files in the kit and you want to short circuit some of the build process to test your changes.


  • Verify the asc and md5 signatures for both kits then unzip both the source and binary kits.
    You may also want to use the script:
    Code Block X.Y.Z RC
  • Verify that the name, version and build number are correct in flex-sdk-description.xml.
  • Verify that the source files in the zip kit have Windows line endings and the source files in the OSX kit has Unix line endings.
    Code Block
    cd apache-flex-sdk-X.Y.Z-src
    ant main checkintests
  • Verify that the components in the binary kit can be built.
    Code Block
    cd apache-flex-sdk-X.Y.Z-bin/frameworks
  • Double-check the spelling and grammar in README, LICENSE and RELEASE_NOTES files.
  • Verify that the SDK can be used with Adobe Flash Builder version 4.6 and 4.7. See ide/flashbuilder/README_integration_with_Adobe_FlashBuilder.txt for the list of checks that Adobe Flash Builder performs on the Apache SDK to ensure compatibility of
    the SDK with Flash Builder. You can use ide/flashbuilder/ in either the binary kit or the source kit build with "ant main frameworks-rsls".



You may also want to use the script:

Code Block X.Y.Z RC

Start the Vote

  • Start the vote on the flex-dev mailing list.
  • All committers are encouraged to vote on releases. Only PMC votes are binding but Committer votes will be considered by the PMC (particularly -1 votes will be discussed) when making the final decision, but are not binding.
  • Each PMC member will do the following before voting on a release.
    1. download the source code package.
    2. verify the the signature on the package
    3. compile the source code
    4. test the resulting executables on their own platform.
    5. Optional: download the binary package, build the framework, and ensure the binary distribution passes basic tests.


  • Remove the release candidate from the staging area.
  • Make required changes
  • Tag the new release candidate
    Code Block
    git tag -a apache-flex-sdk-X.Y.ZRCx -m 'Apache Flex X.Y.Z RCx'
    git push --tags
    You may also want to use the script:
    Code Block X.Y.Z RC
  • Continue with creating a new release. See Building the Release.


Code Block
git tag -a apache-flex-sdk-X.Y.Z -m 'Apache Flex X.Y.Z'
git push --tags

You may also want to use the script:

Code Block X.Y.Z

Merging back into develop and trunk
