Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


For the use case above we can presume a partition at the namingContext 'dc=example,dc=com' with an 'ou=engineering' entry below containing users from the engineering team in Sunnyvale. Let's presume no AA has yet been defined so we have to create one. We'll set the partition root 'dc=example,dc=com' as the AP of an AA that spans the entire subtree. For this simple example the AA will be autonomous for the collective aspect. Setting this up is just a matter of modifying the 'dc=example,dc=com' entry so it contains the operational attribute administrativeRole with the value collectiveAttributeSpecificArea. The code below sets up this AAA for collective attribute administration.

No Format
  // Get a DirContext on the dc=example,dc=com entry
  Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
  env.put( "java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory" );
  env.put( "java.naming.provider.url", "ldap://localhost:" + port + "/dc=example,dc=com" );
  env.put( "", "uid=admin,ou=system" );
  env.put( "", "secret" );
  env.put( "", "simple" );
  ctx = new InitialDirContext( env );

  // Modify the entry to make it an AAA for collective attribute administration
  Attributes mods = new BasicAttributes( "administrativeRole", "collectiveAttributeSpecificArea", true );
  ctx.modifyAttributes( "", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, mods );


No Format
dn: cn=engineeringLocale,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: subentry
objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry
cn: engineeringLocale
c-l: Sunnyvale
subtreeSpecification: {base "ou=engineering", minimum 4}

The following picture present the structure of our tree :Image Added
A couple points regarding this subentry's LDIF:


No Format
3.1. Collective Locality Name

   The c-l attribute type specifies a locality name for a collection of

      ( NAME 'c-l'
        SUP l COLLECTIVE )

3.2. Collective State or Province Name

   The c-st attribute type specifies a state or province name for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-st'
        SUP st COLLECTIVE )

3.3. Collective Street Address

   The c-street attribute type specifies a street address for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-street'
        SUP street COLLECTIVE )

3.4. Collective Organization Name

   The c-o attribute type specifies an organization name for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-o'
        SUP o COLLECTIVE )

3.5. Collective Organizational Unit Name

   The c-ou attribute type specifies an organizational unit name for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-ou'
        SUP ou COLLECTIVE )

3.6. Collective Postal Address

   The c-PostalAddress attribute type specifies a postal address for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-PostalAddress'
        SUP postalAddress COLLECTIVE )

3.7. Collective Postal Code

   The c-PostalCode attribute type specifies a postal code for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-PostalCode'
        SUP postalCode COLLECTIVE )

3.8. Collective Post Office Box

   The c-PostOfficeBox attribute type specifies a post office box for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-PostOfficeBox'
        SUP postOfficeBox COLLECTIVE )

3.9. Collective Physical Delivery Office Name

   The c-PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName attribute type specifies a physical
   delivery office name for a collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName'
        SUP physicalDeliveryOfficeName COLLECTIVE )

3.10. Collective Telephone Number

   The c-TelephoneNumber attribute type specifies a telephone number for
   a collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-TelephoneNumber'
        SUP telephoneNumber COLLECTIVE )

3.11. Collective Telex Number

   The c-TelexNumber attribute type specifies a telex number for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-TelexNumber'
        SUP telexNumber COLLECTIVE )

3.13. Collective Facsimile Telephone Number

   The c-FacsimileTelephoneNumber attribute type specifies a facsimile
   telephone number for a collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-FacsimileTelephoneNumber'

   SUP facsimileTelephoneNumber COLLECTIVE )

3.14. Collective International ISDN Number

   The c-InternationalISDNNumber attribute type specifies an
   international ISDN number for a collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-InternationalISDNNumber'
        SUP internationalISDNNumber COLLECTIVE )