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The Apache Directory team introduced new configuration interface of ApacheDS from the version 0.9.1. This page introduces it.

Changing the Admin Password

Changing the admin password is done as follows:

  1. First while the server is up and running using the default password
    'secret' log into the server as admin and bind to ou=system.
  1. Set the userPassword attribute to a password in the entry
  2. Shutdown the server.
  3. Edit the server.xml file setting the admin password, currently set to secret, to the new password.
  4. Start up the server.
  5. Verify that you can login as admin with the new password.

The number of steps required to set the admin password will be reduced in a future release.

The Configuration API

ApacheDS provides its configuration API in the org.apache.ldap.server.configuration package. This package contains concrete configuration instruction classes that you can instantiate and specify in your JNDI environment variable. To put your configuration instruction class into the JNDI environment variable:

Code Block
Properties env = new Properties();
env.setProperty( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, CoreContextFactory.class.getName() );

// Create a configuration instruction.
Configuration cfg = new MutableStartupConfiguration();

// Put the configuration instruction to the environment variable.
env.putAll( cfg.toJndiEnvironment() );

// Execute the instruction you've specified.
new InitialContext( env );

Now let's find out what kind of instruction you can give to ApacheDS.


This instruction starts up the ApacheDS if it is not started. Here's the list of known properties:

  • authenticatorConfigurations - a collection of AuthenticatorConfigurations. AuthenticatorConfiguration specifies Authenticators that authenticate a user who accesses the ApacheDS DIT. (Default: <all default authenticators>)
  • bootstrapSchemas - a set of BootstrapSchemas which are loaded at the first time ApacheDS starts up (Default: <all default schemas>)
  • contextPartitionConfigurations - A collection of ContextPartitionConfigurations. ContextPartitionConfiguration specified ContextPartitions that consist the ApacheDS DIT. (Default: no context partitions except system partition)
  • accessControl - Set to true if you want to enable access control support of the ApacheDS. (Default: false)
  • allowAnonymousAccess - Set to true if you want to enable anonymous access. (Default: true)
  • interceptorConfigurations - a list of InterceptorConfigurations which will configure the initial interceptor chain of the ApacheDS (Default: <all default interceptors>)
  • testEntries - a list of which will be added to the DIT while the ApacheDS is started up (Default: no test entries)
  • workingDirectory - a working directory the content of DIT will be stored to (Default: ./server-work/)

You don't need to specify any properties because all properties have the default. Please use MutableStartupConfiguration to modify any properties above.


This instruction shuts down the ApacheDS if it is not already shut down. There's no property to configure.


This instruction flushes out any I/O buffer or write cache. There's no property to configure.


This instruction adds a new context partition on-the-fly while the ApacheDS is running. There is only one property, 'contextPartitionConfiguration'. You can specify an appropriate ContextPartitionConfiguration to plug a context partition into the ApacheDS.


This instruction removes an existing context partition on-the-fly while the ApacheDS is running. There is only one property, 'suffix'. You can specify the suffix of the partition you want to remove from the ApacheDS.

Running and Choosing Multiple Instances

You can run multiple instances of ApacheDS by specifying instanceId to all Configuration instructions. InstanceId can be specified as a constructor parameter. Please take a look at the API documentation (JavaDoc) for more details.

Code Block
// Create a configuration instruction that affects an ApacheDS instance 'instance4'.
Configuration cfg = new MutableStartupConfiguration( "instance4" );

// Put the configuration instruction to the environment variable.
env.putAll( cfg.toJndiEnvironment() );

// Execute the instruction you've specified for an ApacheDS instance 'instance4'.
new InitialContext( env );

Using Spring Framework

The configuration API is designed to fit tightly with Spring Framework. Here is an example beans xml file:

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  <!-- JNDI environment variable -->
  <bean id="environment" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
    <property name="properties">
       <prop key="asn.1.berlib.provider">org.apache.ldap.common.berlib.asn1.SnickersProvider</prop>
            <!--prop key="asn.1.berlib.provider">org.apache.asn1new.ldap.TwixProvider</prop-->
              <prop key="">simple</prop>
           <prop key="">uid=admin,ou=system</prop>
          <prop key="">secret</prop>
          <prop key="java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary">
            photo personalSignature audio jpegPhoto javaSerializedData userPassword
            userCertificate cACertificate authorityRevocationList certificateRevocationList
            crossCertificatePair x500UniqueIdentifier krb5Key

  <!-- StartupConfiguration to start ApacheDS -->
  <bean id="configuration" class="org.apache.ldap.server.configuration.MutableServerStartupConfiguration">
    <property name="workingDirectory"><value></value></property>
    <property name="allowAnonymousAccess"><value>false</value></property>
    <property name="accessControlEnabled"><value>false</value></property>
    <property name="ldapPort"><value>10389</value></property>
    <property name="contextPartitionConfigurations">
        <ref bean="apachePartitionConfiguration"/>

    <!-- Bootstrap schemas -->
    <property name="bootstrapSchemas">
        <bean class="org.apache.ldap.server.schema.bootstrap.AutofsSchema"/>
        <bean class="org.apache.ldap.server.schema.bootstrap.CorbaSchema"/>
        <bean class="org.apache.ldap.server.schema.bootstrap.CoreSchema"/>



    <!-- Interceptor configurations -->
    <property name="interceptorConfigurations">
        <bean class="org.apache.ldap.server.configuration.MutableInterceptorConfiguration">
          <property name="name"><value>normalizationService</value></property>
          <property name="interceptor">
            <bean class="org.apache.ldap.server.normalization.NormalizationService" />
        <bean class="org.apache.ldap.server.configuration.MutableInterceptorConfiguration">
          <property name="name"><value>authenticationService</value></property>
          <property name="interceptor">
            <bean class="org.apache.ldap.server.authn.AuthenticationService" />



  <!-- Additional ContextPartitionConfiguration -->
  <bean id="apachePartitionConfiguration" class="">
    <property name="name"><value>apache</value></property>
    <property name="suffix"><value>dc=apache,dc=org</value></property>
    <property name="indexedAttributes">
    <property name="contextEntry">
        objectClass: top
        objectClass: domain
        objectClass: extensibleObject
        dc: apache

  <!-- Custom editors required to launch ApacheDS -->
  <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomEditorConfigurer">
    <property name="customEditors">
        <entry key="">
          <bean class="org.apache.ldap.server.configuration.AttributesPropertyEditor"/>

With the XML file above, you can start up the ApacheDS with this code:

Code Block
Properties env;
ServerStartupConfiguration cfg;

ApplicationContext factory = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext( args[0] );
cfg = ( StartupConfiguration ) factory.getBean( "configuration" );
env = ( Properties ) factory.getBean( "environment" );

env.setProperty( Context.PROVIDER_URL, "" );
env.setProperty( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, CoreContextFactory.class.getName() );
env.putAll( cfg.toJndiEnvironment() );

new InitialDirContext( env );