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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


Component or Bean ID


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="91af7bc1-05ab-47fa-a1e9-77d1bae8e51d"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[


This component uses the WSIFBinding class to integrate WSIF to ServiceMix as specified in the class property. Its definitionResource property is set to read the classpath:org/servicemix/components/wsif/service.wsdl file, which is the WSDL file that will be used. The service.wsdl file can be found at [servicemix_src_install_dir]\servicemix-components\src\test\resources\org\apache\servicemix\components\wsif. In the init() method of the WSIFBinding class, service.wsdl is read to define the binding extension. ]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro>


This MDB is the actual implementation of the service. It acts like a message listener on the queue specified in the config files. When a message is delivered, it extracts the body which is a ZIP Code. It then applies some logic to determine whether DSL service is available at this ZIP Code or not. For simplicity, it just returns true for all ZIP Codes < 50000 and false otherwise. The return message is sent to the queue specified in the replyTo field of the request message. NOTE: The MDB must encode the correct JMSCorrelationID in the return message in order for it to be picked up by WSIF.


Here are descriptions of the properties found in the service.wsdl file. The descriptions are quoted from the WSDL Bindings for JMS web page:

  • <jms:address> describes a target port that is accessible via JMS.
  • destinationStyle must either be queue or topic, although only queue is supported at this time.
  • jndiDestinationName is the JNDI name of the JMS queue that WSIF will send requests to.
  • jndiConnectionFactoryName is the JNDI name of the connection factory that WSIF will be used.
  • jndiProviderURL and initialContextFactory specify which JNDI database to use. If they are not present, WSIF uses the default JNDI.
  • jms:binding specifies that this binding is for Native JMS. The type is the type of the JMS message that will be sent. In this case it will be a text message.

Working with XML versus properties
