Versions Compared


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  1. Create a folder (ex: SciGaP) in a preferable location in your local machine to clone the PHP samples from GitHub. 
  2. Open the created SciGaP folder (...../ cd SciGaP) and clone the files using GitHuB ‘HTTPS clone URL’    
    git clone
    Once the cloning is completed you would get a completed message. 
  3. Open the folder which contains the PHP sample scripts. 
    SciGaP → airavata/airavata-api/airavata-client-sdks/airavata-php-sdk/src/main/resources/php-cli-samples
  4. client-samples  folder contains PHP scripts to exercise currently existing Airavata API methods;
    1. add-compute-resources.php
      1. GetAPIVersion.php (a sanity check)
      1. createProject.php
      2. updateProject.php
      3. getAllUserProjects.php
      4. createExperiment.php
      5. getExperiment.php
      6. updateExperiment.php
      7. cloneExperiment.php
      8. getAllExperimentsInProject.php
      9. getAllUserExperiments.php
    2. launchExperiment
      1. search_experiments_by_name.php
      2. search_experiments_by_description.php
    3. getExperimentStatus
      1. search_experiments_by_application.php
    4. getExperimentOutputs
      1. launchExperiment.php
      2. terminateExperiment.php 
    5. list-application-interfaces
      1. getExperimentStatus.php
    6. list-compute-resources
      1. getExperimentOutputs.php
    7. airavata-client-api-tester.php
      1. registerComputeResource.php
      2. registerApplicationModule.php
      3. getAppModule.php
      4. registerApplicationInterface.php
      5. updateApplicationInterface.php
      6. getAllApplicationInterfaceNames.php
      7. deleteApplicationInterface.php
      8. getAvailableAppInterfaceComputeResources.php
      9. registerApplicationDeployment.php
      10. getApplicationDeployedResources.php
      11. getApplicationInputs.php

      12. getApplicationOutputs.php
      13. airavata-client-api-tester.php
  5. Apart for the scripts for the API methods the folder contains;
    1. airavata-client-properties.ini - contains the server. port and timeout period information
    2. getAiravataClient.php - This script is referred by all other scripts to obtain Airavata client. Not for stand alone execution.
    3. READMEREADME-PHP-CLI-Examples.txt - Gives an introduction to the scripts and also reference links to wiki pages with command line script execution orderinformation
  6. Navigation to working directory; 
    cd SciGaP/airavata/airavata-api/airavata-client-sdks/airavata-php-sdk/src/main/resources/php-cli-samples


  1. To view all application deployments of a particle application module use the script; getApplicationDeployedResources.php
  2. By providing the application module ID can view all available application deployments of the application.
    1. Format;
      php getApplicationDeployedResources.php<space><appModuleID>
  3. Output will look like;

Tutorial XII - View Application Input & Output

View Application Input
  1. in order to view a particular application input data this script can be used with providing application interface ID
    1. Format;
      php getApplicationInputs.php
  2. At script execution user will be provided with information on application inputs.
    Sample inout information on Echo application

Tutorial X - Airavata API tester
