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Collective attributes are attributes whose values are shared across a collection of entries. It's very common to encounter situations where a bunch of entries have the same value for an attribute. Collective attributes for LDAP are defined in RFC 3671. ApacheDS implements this RFC.

Use Case

For example one might organize everyone in an engineering department under an ou, 'ou=engineering'. If the engineering team is located in the same area and building then several attributes in each user entry within engineering will have the same value. An example of such an attribute would be the locale. If engineering is located in Sunnyvale CA then all locale attributes of entries under 'ou=engineering' would be set to Sunnyvale.

Rather than manage the value for this attribute in each entry a single collective attribute can be used in a subentry. Changes to the value of this attribute would immediately be reflected to those entries selected by the subtreeSpecification of subentry. For more information on specifying subtrees take at Subentries.

Setting up a Collective Attribute Administration Area (AA)

To manage collective attributes for a collection of entries you must add collective subentries to the Administrative Point (AP) of the collective AA. For more information on AAs see Subentries. These collective subentries must have the objectClass subentry as well as collectiveAttributeSubentry. Also the AP, of the AA, must have an administrativeRole value of collectiveAttributeSpecificArea ( or collectiveAttributeInnerArea (


For the use case above we can presume a partition at the namingContext 'dc=example,dc=com' with an 'ou=engineering' entry below containing users from the engineering team in Sunnyvale. Let's presume no AA has yet been defined so we have to create one. We'll set the partition root 'dc=example,dc=com' as the AP of an AA that spans the entire subtree. For this simple example the AA will be autonomous for the collective aspect. Setting this up is just a matter of modifying the 'dc=example,dc=com' entry so it contains the operational attribute administrativeRole with the value collectiveAttributeSpecificArea. The code below sets up this AAA for collective attribute administration.

No Format
// Get a DirContext on the dc=example,dc=com entry
  Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
  env.put( "java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory" );
  env.put( "java.naming.provider.url", "ldap://localhost:" + port + "/dc=example,dc=com" );
  env.put( "", "uid=admin,ou=system" );
  env.put( "", "secret" );
  env.put( "", "simple" );
  ctx = new InitialDirContext( env );

  // Modify the entry to make it an AAA for collective attribute administration
  Attributes mods = new BasicAttributes( "administrativeRole", "collectiveAttributeSpecificArea", true );
  ctx.modifyAttributes( "", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, mods );

Now 'dc=example,dc=com' is the AP for a collective attribute AAA that spans the entire subtree under and including it down to every leaf entry. All that remains is the addition of the subentry with the collective attributes we want included in the entries of all engineering users. Here's what the LDIF would look like for this subentry given that its commonName is 'engineeringLocale'.

No Format
dn: cn=engineeringLocale,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: subentry
objectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry
cn: engineeringLocale
c-l: Sunnyvale
subtreeSpecification: {base "ou=engineering", minimum 4}

The following picture present the structure of our tree :

A couple points regarding this subentry's LDIF:

  1. It subordinates to the AP ('dc=example,dc=com')
  2. It contains the objectClasses: subentry and collectiveAttributeSubentry
  3. It contains the collective version of locale (l): c-l
  4. Its subtreeSpecification excludes entries whose number of DN name components is less than 4

Note that the minimum value of 4 is used in the subtreeSpecification to make sure that the entry 'ou=engineering,dc=example,dc=com' does not have c-l: Sunnyvale added to it. It's got 3 components to the DN so minimum 4 chops it out of the collection.

Collective Attribute Types

As one can see from the example above, special collective attributes are used for regular attributes: c-l for l. These attributes are derived from the original attribute and are marked as COLLECTIVE. RFC 3671 defines a bunch of these which are listed below. If you don't find what you're looking for just add it to your own schema using this pattern.

We have included this list from RFC 3671 into the collective.schema which comes standard with ApacheDS.

No Format
3.1. Collective Locality Name

   The c-l attribute type specifies a locality name for a collection of

      ( NAME 'c-l'
        SUP l COLLECTIVE )

3.2. Collective State or Province Name

   The c-st attribute type specifies a state or province name for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-st'
        SUP st COLLECTIVE )

3.3. Collective Street Address

   The c-street attribute type specifies a street address for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-street'
        SUP street COLLECTIVE )

3.4. Collective Organization Name

   The c-o attribute type specifies an organization name for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-o'
        SUP o COLLECTIVE )

3.5. Collective Organizational Unit Name

   The c-ou attribute type specifies an organizational unit name for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-ou'
        SUP ou COLLECTIVE )

3.6. Collective Postal Address

   The c-PostalAddress attribute type specifies a postal address for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-PostalAddress'
        SUP postalAddress COLLECTIVE )

3.7. Collective Postal Code

   The c-PostalCode attribute type specifies a postal code for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-PostalCode'
        SUP postalCode COLLECTIVE )

3.8. Collective Post Office Box

   The c-PostOfficeBox attribute type specifies a post office box for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-PostOfficeBox'
        SUP postOfficeBox COLLECTIVE )

3.9. Collective Physical Delivery Office Name

   The c-PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName attribute type specifies a physical
   delivery office name for a collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName'
        SUP physicalDeliveryOfficeName COLLECTIVE )

3.10. Collective Telephone Number

   The c-TelephoneNumber attribute type specifies a telephone number for
   a collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-TelephoneNumber'
        SUP telephoneNumber COLLECTIVE )

3.11. Collective Telex Number

   The c-TelexNumber attribute type specifies a telex number for a
   collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-TelexNumber'
        SUP telexNumber COLLECTIVE )

3.13. Collective Facsimile Telephone Number

   The c-FacsimileTelephoneNumber attribute type specifies a facsimile
   telephone number for a collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-FacsimileTelephoneNumber'

   SUP facsimileTelephoneNumber COLLECTIVE )

3.14. Collective International ISDN Number

   The c-InternationalISDNNumber attribute type specifies an
   international ISDN number for a collection of entries.

      ( NAME 'c-InternationalISDNNumber'
        SUP internationalISDNNumber COLLECTIVE )