Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The GPG key ID can be found by running gpg --list-keys --keyid-format SHORT

Update JIRAs

Update JIRAs and update their fixVersion since last release. You can either do it manually for each JIRA, or use the custom tool that we have: 


This tool will ask you for the fixVersion that you want to apply on all the JIRAs that do not have a fixVersion. Assuming you are making a release for x.y.z, your fixVersion input would be x.y.z

Note: This operation can take time (in order of few minutes). The tool is simple enough, so you can also tweak it for your custom requirements. 

Code Validation

Before releasing, you should run a full build to check if all the tests are passing. You can do that by running: 


You should open the report at build/rat/rat-report.html to validate that all files that are in scope (i.e. not excluded) have the appopriate headers. Running the rat task to generate this report is quick and does not runs other tests. See HEADER for the contents of the license header. These contents should appear at the top of the file as a comment. If a file or set of files needs to be excluded or included from Rat validation, you can update the Rat exclusion list in build.gradle.


Update the file by adding details about the new version. This is a manual process, and you will have to go through all the JIRAs that are part of this release to summarize highlights, new features, enhancements and bugs. 

The existing CHANGELOG's format is self explanatory, so we will not go in depth about it. 

Update JIRAs

Update JIRAs to specify fixVersion (which is current release version). You can either do it manually for each JIRA, or use the custom tool that we have for this purpose: 


This tool will ask you for the fixVersion that you want to apply on all the JIRAs that do not have a fixVersion and are in resolved or fixed state. Assuming you are making a release for x.y.z, your fixVersion input would be x.y.z


  1. This operation can take time (in order of few minutes). The tool is simple enough, so you can also tweak it for your custom requirements. 
  2. JIRAs that are in closed state cannot be edited, so you might hit 'unauthorized exception'. If you encounter such JIRA, please reopen that JIRA and resolve them instead. 

Create a branch for release
