Versions Compared


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Comment: adding doc for HIVE-19135 about new catalog operations


No Format
$ schematool -help
usage: schemaTool
 -dbType <databaseType>             Metastore database type
 -driver <driver>                   Driver name for connection
 -dryRun                            List SQL scripts (no execute)
 -help                              Print this message
 -info                              Show config and schema details
 -initSchema                        Schema initialization
 -initSchemaTo <initTo>             Schema initialization to a version
 -metaDbType <metaDatabaseType>     Used only if upgrading the system catalog for hive
 -passWord <password>               Override config file password
 -upgradeSchema                     Schema upgrade
 -upgradeSchemaFrom <upgradeFrom>   Schema upgrade from a version
 -url <url>                         Connection url to the database
 -userName <user>                   Override config file user name
 -verbose                           Only print SQL statements
(Additional catalog related options added in Hive 3.0.0 (HIVE-19135] release are below.
 -createCatalog <catalogname>       Create catalog with given name
 -catalogLocation <location>        Location of new catalog, required when adding a catalog
 -catalogDescription <description>  Description of new catalog
 -ifNotExists                       If passed then it is not an error to create an existing catalog
 -moveDatabase                      Move a database between catalogs.  Argument is the database name. Requires --fromCatalog and --toCatalog parameters as well
 -moveTable                         Move a table to a different database.  Argument is the table name. Requires --fromCatalog, --toCatalog, --fromDatabase, and --toDatabase 
 -toCatalog                         Catalog a moving database or table is going to.  This is required if you are moving a database or table.
 -fromCatalog                       Catalog a moving database or table is coming from.  This is required if you are moving a database or table.
 -toDatabase                        Database a moving table is going to.  This is required if you are moving a table.
 -fromDatabase                      Database a moving table is coming from.  This is required if you are moving a table.

The dbType is required and can be one of:
