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Installation and Configuration Instructions

Configuring the payment gateway 


  1. MySQL 
  2. ActiveMQ



and testing the payment gateway requires interaction between several components. Fineract must be configured (through the community app) to enable the payment gateway. The payment gateway must be configured to use a supported vendor (currently the only supported vendor is Beyonic) - this can be done using the Gateway Configuration app. This document will walk you through the necessary steps to configure and use the Payment Gateway.


  1. MySQL
    1. Ensure that the Fineract databases are installed per the Fineract installation documents
    2. Create a database for the payment gateway:  create database `payment-gateway`
  2. ActiveMQ
    1. Install and verify that ActiveMQ is running. You can access the ActiveMQ console using this URL: http://localhost:8161/admin/index.jsp

Core Components

  1. Fineract
    1. Install the version of Fineract that includes support for the Payment Gateway. Until the payment gateway functionality becomes an approved part of Fineract, you can find the latest code here:
    2. Install and run Fineract (per the installation instructions). Ensure that the database migration scripts for the payment gateway tables have been installed (the 'mifostenant-default' database should contain the following tables: payment_gateway_config, payment
  2. Community App 
    1. Install the version of the community app that includes support for the Payment Gateway. The code can be found in this repo:
    2. Run the Community App. From the Admin→Organization page, select the option for Payment Gateway. On this screen, check the checkbox to enable the gateway, enter a URL for the payment gateway (this is most likely http://localhost:8080/payment-gateway/api/v1). Select a Gateway User - this is the user that will perform the transactions in Fineract when a message comes from the payment gateway. 
    3. Ensure that the Gateway user has Super User role enabled. (Admin→Users, click on username, Edit, assign Super User role to this user and save)
  3. Payment Gateway 
    1. Clone the payment gateway repo: (*Note: this code will eventually be merged to:
    2. Currently, the payment gateway should be run from an IDE/IntelliJ

External Vendor (Beyonic)
