Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


At present, the application help files are located in the source code module helpcontent2 with the following structure:

Code Block

   helpers           these are required or helpful for building the help content,
                     some files are called by make, some others are obsolete
                     xmlhelp.dtd  > the DTD for the help XML format
   source            this is the actual content
      auxiliary      this are help relevant files that are not content
                     *.tree > the definition files for the help viewer table of content
                     *.xsl > transformation scripts used to process the help files
                     $LANG/*.css language dependent files for controlling the HTML output
                     $LANG/*.cfg language dependent config files (legacy)
      text           the help content files, organized by modules (rather awkwardly, see below)


  • New volunteers desiring to get involved with authoring or changing any help item would likely need to install the "Help Authoring" extension, which can be found at: Once this extension is installed, adding or changing help texts is a bit easier but followup maintenance using Perl scripts found in the repository are needed for adding new help texts. The other alternative is to directly edit the help files (XML).
  • Since current help system is stored within the source repository, anyone needing to make changes must be a project committer. This seems rather burdensome to new volunteers who would like to participate in this area.


Since we're off to a fresh start, this is what we ought to do with the help:
(see also the following mail thread:

Ongoing Maintenance of Current Help

Helpcontent2 in its own svn area (a copy)

  • This will provide volunteers a non-trunk area to experiment with the current online help system
  • The "copy" area should be able to be built on its own without the need of a complete build of AOO
  • Changes can be ported directly to a volunteer's production version of AOO for review, or alternatively directly accessed through other means
  • Once reviewed, changes will need to be ported back to trunk/helpcontent2 for patch submission

A Means of Analysis of Current System/ Files

Currently, there is an xslt file provided for the help system, so individual help file structural correctness can be ascertained. However, there is no overarching analysis tool available  for the determining the correctness of the combination of various IDs in place and their cross references. Without some mechanism in place, adding new entries or editing existing ones is nearly impossible. Before we can move to a new system of any kind, it vital that some structural analysis be made on the existing help system. Porting the help files into an XML database in some way might help in this. This needs discussion and expertise to move forward.

Migration to a New/Different System – questions/challenges

  • Current Help source files (*.xhp) are xml defined by xmlhelp.dtd (/main/xmlhelp/util)
    and utilize main_transform.xsl (same directory). How to migrate this content to a new system.
    (some preliminary testing has been done renaming *.xhp files to *.xml and using the stylesheet to ascertain what this does exactly.)
  • How would current indexes be generated?
  • What application changes would need to made to accommodate this?

Help File Source Format

  • move to a standard format: DITA, EPUB have been suggested
  • highly desirable that new system is supported by a range of open source authoring and validation tools
  • highly desirable that the Help system be a stand alone entity apart from the source build process – a separate svn tree(question) with appropriate permissions for that area alone
  • create an easy authoring workflow to enable participation

Help Viewer

  • use current technology (HTML 4+, CSS4, bells and whistles)
  • don't let the user decide on which route to find info (TOC, index, search), give a search input field and let the help find the best results
  • fix the search engine
  • integrate the help viewer with the UI

Help Content and Structure

  • Limit help content to instructions, and some basic concepts
  • Show reference information ("enter your name in this field") where it's needed, on the UI, side-by-side to the element it refers to. For that, we need rich formatting in "bubbles" (extended tips).
  • Reduce the amount of offline help content and allow to expand to online sources
  • Allow rich media in help files

Migration to a New/Different System – questions/challenges
